Realistic Reactors Reborn

by OwnlyMe

Meltdowns, control rods, emergency cooling, breeder reactors, modules, custom guis, etc...

5 days ago
3 months ago
Latest Version:
2.0.26 (5 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
1.24K users

Please read carefully:

Reactor temperature
Meltdown occurs at 1000°
Generally, higher temperature = higher output and efficiency (except for thorium fuel)

The Emergency Core Cooling System uses water to cool down the core directly.
Attach pumps to each side and have them controlled by reactor temperature.
Water flows from the fuller tank to the emptier one (any direction)

Starting and Stopping
Stopping the reactor is called "scram".
You can start and stop the reactor with a button in the GUI or by "rotating" the reactor interface.
The GUI opens when you click the interface.
Alternatively, a start or scram signal can be sent to the combinator

When the reactor exploded, it will emit radioactive steam until you build a sarcophagus over it
The meltdown and these clouds produce a huge amount of pollution.
The only way to reduce this pollution is having Pollution modules permanently installed in the reactor.
The sarcophagus will remain for a while before it can be mined again

Control rods
This system is entirely optional and needs to be researched before it gets available.
They increase or decrease power output on cost of efficiency and can be controlled via gui or with the "tachometer" signal
Increasing power is very quick, but reducing it takes longer
At lower temperatures, their operation is also much quicker
If you are brave, there's a setting that makes them also increase core temperature in an exponential way.

+10° max temperature per Reactor quality
+10% cooling capabilities per Reactor quality
+10% efficiency and power output per Reactor quality
+10% efficiency per Fuel quality
+10% control rod speed per Reactor quality

Fuel types
Almost every mod's fuel cell is categorized into these 4 behaviours:
Uranium has a very linear output/efficiency curve
Mox likes to be operated at very high temperatures
Plutonium is more forgiving at lower temperatures
Thorium even looses output/efficiency at higher temperatures

Cooling towers are used to cool down hot steam or water to 15° again

Please report any bugs and errors you encounter
Feedback for individual balancing of nuclear mods (especially regarding breeder bonus cells) is appreciated, the current balancing might be a bit outdated
Entity IDs have changed but you can use
To fix up your blueprints

I've invested almost 3000 hours into making these factorio mods
If you can somehow afford it, a donation on would be very appreciated

My mods:
- Turret Shields
- Blood & Gore
- Raven mk2
- Shield FX
- Laser Tanks
- Laser Rifle
- Weapon Quality
- Universal Turret
- Bullet Tracers (Ownly's)
- Induction Charging Revamp
- Hovercrafts (collab)
- Glowing Laser Beams -> Updated version by Pikachar
- RPG Items -> Updated version by ZwerOxotnik
- Spell Pack -> Updated version by ZwerOxotnik

- Realistic Reactors Reborn
- Wind Turbines
- Vehicle Physics
- Leave The Lights On
- Heat Glow
- Compact Power Reloaded
- Transformers
- Smaller Train Stop Collision
- KS Power Rebalancing
- HD planets
- Chemflip for 2.0
- Logistic Group Editor
- Solar Panel Equipment MK2
- Solar Panel Equipment MK3
- Modding Tools/Cheat menu
- Overloaded Trains -> Updated version by ptx0
- Speaker Signals Expansion -> Updated version by Phoenix-D

Might get updated:
- Market
- Market - AutoBuy
- Wave Defense Unlimited
- Unlushed Trees

- Railgun Revival
- Desert Eagle
- DotA

- Realistic Reactors - Utilities
- Resource Spawning Ingame
- 0.16 Graphics
- Bleached Trees
- Copy&Paste for 0.16
- Fire Department
- Robot Tree Farm
- Modder's Science Pack
- Assembling Machine Equipment
- Bottled Science
- Lua Combinator 3