Factorio 2'ish

by SetazeR

Modpack with features that will be implemented in Factorio 2.0 core game

Mod packs
a month ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Blueprints

g Factorio 2'ish Force Full Install

2 months ago

This modpack to force install everything fails on "janky-quality"

2 months ago

WDYM "fails"?

2 months ago

Janky-quality has these two mods listed to be excluded, in your "Force Full" mod pack you have made them mandatory.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

okay... so? Forced install was made for the purpose of installing all mods from base Factorio 2'ish package in one click. It never promised mods would be compatible between themselves. Solving this particular case is up to you.

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