Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

b Hypercooler gives nitrogen and liquid nitrogen

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

I've just got to beacons and had to set up liquid nitrogen for it, but whenever i try to put nitrogen through the hypercooler it gives both liquid nitrogen and nitrogen gas - it even puts them in the same pipe network.

Putting a pump in front also results in the same outcome.

There may be some clever solution with circuits to fix this but I am yet to find one after trying for a couple of hours.

This isn't a huge deal now as beacons aren't a make-or-break right now, but seen as liquid nitrogen is used in 3-4 late game datas to gather it will most likely be a problem at some point.

thanks in advance,

EDIT: I tried having the two pipe networks purposely connect - which you can't do by hand but bots can for some reason - and this temporarily fixes things but then I guess the game realises what's happening and the whole thing stops. Additionally, even with pipes showing there is two liquids in the pipes, nitrogen gas always takes priority and therefore doesn't allow things like beacons to work or speed modules to craft.

11 months ago

I've just got to beacons and had to set up liquid nitrogen for it, but whenever i try to put nitrogen through the hypercooler it gives both liquid nitrogen and nitrogen gas - it even puts them in the same pipe network.

Putting a pump in front also results in the same outcome.

There may be some clever solution with circuits to fix this but I am yet to find one after trying for a couple of hours.

This isn't a huge deal now as beacons aren't a make-or-break right now, but seen as liquid nitrogen is used in 3-4 late game datas to gather it will most likely be a problem at some point.

thanks in advance,

EDIT: I tried having the two pipe networks purposely connect - which you can't do by hand but bots can for some reason - and this temporarily fixes things but then I guess the game realises what's happening and the whole thing stops. Additionally, even with pipes showing there is two liquids in the pipes, nitrogen gas always takes priority and therefore doesn't allow things like beacons to work or speed modules to craft.

use insulated pipes for liquid nitrogen.

7 months ago

PreLeyZero - first off, the mod is brilliant, really enjoying it - and the only thing I would say with this issue is to maybe make it if you don't use insulated pipes then the pipe explodes after a few seconds...would be a realistic in game clue that you need to use insulated pipes!

6 months ago

I reported this as a bug on the forum, cause otherwise I see no indication as to why or how this is allowed to happen

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Wow, someone replied and directed me to it being your control behavior... Not a bug I suppose, but damn if it doesn't look like one.

Edit: For a constructive approach, could we get a floating text generated at the site of the pipe? Text doesn't translate so well, but an audible one... a hissing noise, a clunk, something to indicate a thing is happening.

6 months ago

Wow, someone replied and directed me to it being your control behavior... Not a bug I suppose, but damn if it doesn't look like one.

Edit: For a constructive approach, could we get a floating text generated at the site of the pipe? Text doesn't translate so well, but an audible one... a hissing noise, a clunk, something to indicate a thing is happening.

Ill add some visual idicator, thats a good change :)

New response