Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

9 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.6.9 (9 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
28.1K users

The Mod

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Overhauls nearly every aspect of the game and adds content for a long playtrough.

Welcome, this Mod is for you if:

  • You like the unique graphics style of the Exotic Industries mod series.
  • You want to start a new game and have at least some experience in modded factorio
  • New gameplay mechanics interest you
  • Want to deal with production chains that have byproducts and are more complex then vanilla

Mod structure

Exotic Industries is seperated in 6 Ages of technology. Each Age has its distinct mechanics and builds onto its predecessor. You start in the Dark-age with nothing but your hands and some burner powered things. Harness the power of steam in the Steam-age and use it to advance your base. Electricity, computer tech and highly advanced machinery await you. To win this mod you will need to uncover some ancient knowledge and build one of various superstructures.

Some features

  • Over 300 new icons and over 40 new machines from steam powered crusher to exotic matter stabilizer
  • New defensive and offensive weapons
  • Unique progression system
  • An dedicated ingame wiki
  • Specialised data cables and insulated pipes
  • Multistructures that need many active components to function
  • Overhauled resource system, with surface ores and deep veins that require drilling
  • Alien artifacts
  • Beacon overhaul
  • Nuclear power overhaul and fusion power

... and much more!

New resource system

In addition to surface patches new ores can be found in deep veins. Those veins can only be mined by deep drills, allowing the extraction of rare materials such as gold or neodym.

Exotic Indsutries adds a variety of new machinery for new production chains. From steam assemblers over crushers up to plasma heaters, all with custom graphics!

To defend yourself against biters, EI provides some big guns and new weapons. Use with caution!

New and complex oil mechanics. At the start you will need to power your refineries with heat generated from burnt fuel or oil, from which a lot of usefull products can be made. From diesel to power trains to plastic and coke.

In the endgame high tech can be used to make your factory even greater! Generate power through fusion and store it in the Induction matrix multiblock. Various mechanics need big machinery like quantum computers or matter stabilization.

Recommended mods

All mods from the Exotic Industries mod series are recommended. In addition to them, this mod comes with built-in integration for various smaller mods. You can find them in the official modpack. Quality of Life mods can be added without problems.


Reviews and Playthroughs

Krastorio 2 compatible [alpha]

Note of thanks

Big thanks to InappropriatePenguin and his GUI skills. To YuokiTani, who made the graphics for steam trains. And to all beta testers that helped developing this mod.



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