
by N0TZ3R0

It changes some aspects from other mods and the game for my personal use while adding more features. A little bit cheaty? Kinda... But makes the game more playable and different. Check description for the full list of changes

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Armor Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage Cheats


Version: 1.4.0
Date: 2024.10.22
    - Updated to Factorio 2.x
    - Removed wooden floor.
    - Beacon supply area size is now 6.
Version: 1.3.4
Date: 2023.11.11
    - Trying to improve the code (always).
    - Auto unlock tech: Optics.
    - Steam furnance now correctly depends on bobspower.
    - Lots of corretions to item names and description.
    - Option to toggle friendly_fire.
    - Mod description improvments.
Version: 1.3.3
Date: 2022.10.08
    - Finally, the code is fully identated.
    - Fixed misplaced "Ghost Time To Live" code, was a duplicate.
    - Fixed misplaced code line that was doing nothing but taking space.
    - Fixed "Steam Furnace" always unlocked, even without steel-furnace tech avaliable.
    - Removed K2_WirelessCharger support.
    - Added a Mini 2x2 Radar Thanks to Endus322.
    - Removed HeatGlow stuff.
    - Nerfed my default Character speed (1.5 > 1.2)
Version: 1.3.2
Date: 2021.10.30
    - Added option to start with Antron and Spider remote.
Version: 1.3.1
Date: 2021.10.12
    - Added option to start with Antron.
    - Compressed images even more to reduce mod size.
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 2021.10.10
    - Fixed some spelling ( Uh, I gotta improve my English... ).
    - Reduced Manual Mining speed from 1.5 to 1.3.
    - Updated HeatGlow.
    - Updated Roboports Radius.
    - Tweaked Steam-Furnace.
    - K2_WirelessCharger Energy Absorber is now 100 copper cables more expensive.
    - Little buff on ShockTurret damage ( 4 to 6 ).
    - Landfill is now 15 stone.
    - Compressed Images and Code to reduce mod size.
    - Changed Chests Recipes.
    - Set Logistic Delivery Icon to a smaller one.
Version: 1.2.9
Date: 2021.03.13
    - Option to start with a car.
    - Fixed some spelling.
    - Even less red.
    - Character running speed is now configurable ( suggestion from TolgahanTR ).
    - Mod now advise on runtime settings are changed/updated.
Version: 1.2.8
Date: 2021.03.10
    - Reduced LabSpeed ( From cheat option ).
    - Reduced LabProductivity ( From cheat option ).
    - Now you start a new map with some free techs ( if SuperQOL is enabled )( see mod description ).
    - Tweaked some code.
    - Respawn time is now configurable.
    - Fixed in game changelog.
Version: 1.2.7
Date: 2021.03.07
    - Full dark nights is now enable by default.
    - Made landfill even more cheap ( from 15 to 13 ).
    - Reduced LabSpeed ( From cheat option ).
    - Reduced LabProductivity ( From cheat option ).
    - Entity ghosts enabled by default.
Version: 1.2.6
Date: 2021.02.28
    - Boilers will quickstart with 10 water units.
Version: 1.2.5
Date: 2021.02.25
    - Improved contrast of Logistic Chests.
    - Improved heat-pipes glow a little bit more.
    - Fixed Small-Power-Pole wire reach and supply distance.
    - Reduced build and reach distance from 300 to 200.
    - Changed more settings of K2_WirelessCharger
    - Removed no-lakes changes.
    - Now you can place wood as floor Thanks to zanven.
    - Improved HeatGlow for heat-pipes, reactor, and heat-exchanger Thanks to max2344.
Version: 1.2.4
Date: 2021.02.19
    - Added option to increase all solar panels energy production by 4 times and increase accumulators by 2 times.
    - Fixed missing title for Linked-Chest technology.
    - Reduced some code.
    - Removed BigTruck changes.
    - Removed Wood-Walls changes.
    - Added option to make oil finite.
    - Changed settings of ShockTurret.
    - Improved Sniper Range ( Bob's Warfare ) from 30 to 40.
    - Improved heat-pipes glow Thanks to max2344.
    - Added a better icon to Linked-Chest technology.
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 2021.02.10
    - Quick fix to Linked Chest 'signal' now you can select it as icon for blueprint books and etc. Thanks to @Doggo on Discord.
    - Linked-Chest inventory size is now 19 slots.
    - Linked-Chest is now in logistics group.
    - Added option to change corpse duration.
    - Fixed some spelling.
    - Fixed setting names ( forgot to add ;-; ).
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 2021.02.09
    - Changed some settings of K2_WirelessCharging.
    - Changed some settings of Wood-Walls.
    - Added option to enable full dark nights.
    - Added option to reduce the red flash intensity when you get dammaged.
    - Changed some settings of bigtruck ( rebalance ).
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 2021.02.05
    - Beacons can now utilize all modules.
    - Beacons have now a little bit bigger supply area.
    - Beacons have now a 4 module slots.
    - Beacons have now 0.7 of effectivity ( vanilla was 0.5 )
    - Updated spelling.
    - Made Steel-Plate recipe 30 percent faster.
    - Nightvision equipment is now 1x1 ( Credits to original mod creator MrDoomah ).
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2021.02.04
    - Fixed compatibility with aai-industry by disabling change to electric-engine-unit.
    - If u know how to fix the electric-engine-unit report to me on the mod portal, thank u :)
    - Also I'll credit ya for that.
Version: 1.1.9
Date: 2021.01.23
    - PowerPoles fixes ( Credits to original mod creator PiggyWhiskey ).
    - Removed Battery-Pack changes since it's now merged here.
    - New Personal Battery-Pack ( Credits to original mod creator Endus322 ).
    - Merged ZLinkedChest to here.
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 2021.01.17
    - Made landfill more cheap.
    - Fixed BlueCircuit code location.
    - Fixed Steam Furnace not appearing ( I looked at the code and c it disappear, wtf ).
    - Added Coocked Fish ( Credits to original mod creator: asher_sky ).
    - Made respawn quicker ( 5 secconds )
    - Plastic now stacks to 999
    - Upgraded Roboports ( Credits to original mod creator Optera )
Version: 1.1.7
Date: 2021.01.10
    - Organized File Structure.
    - Removed TurboBike changes.
    - Removed Robocharger changes.
    - Removed RandomColor changes.
    - Added option to add equipment grid to light and heavy armor.
    - Migrated Electric Engine recipe from ZElectricVehicles to here.
    - Updated Personal Battery-Pack Recipe.
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 2021.01.08
    - Code Optmizations.
    - Image Optmizations.
    - Blue circuit even more cheap ( 3 green ; 2 red + less time needed )
    - Wood to coal need less time.
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 2021.01.06
    - Changed some settings of TurboBike.
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2021.01.05
    - Changed some settings of Robocharger.
    - Changed some Settings of Bob's Mining.
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 2021.01.03
    - Fixed blue circuit cost less, It was missing one word on the code.
    - Fixed locale error ( duplicate coal recipe for different settings ).
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2021.01.03
    - Added a Experimental? ( need improvments ) Steam-Furnace if you have Bob's Assembly.
    - This furnace needs steam at least with 415.00 degree temperature iirc.
    - Added a setting that enables kinda a cheat mode that boosts laboratory speed/productivity
    - Crafting Speed, Reach, and a few other things I'm lazy to type.
    - Added option to make blue circuit less expensive
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2020.12.31
    - Now it has Startup settings, so u can tweak what this mod changes.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020.12.29
    - Optimized some code " Kinda "
    - Added a lot of things, check homepage for what this mod does.
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 2020.12.28
    - Changed some settings of Bob's Assembly Machines.
    - Added a recipe to smelt wood into coal.
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 2020.12.28
    - Changed some settings of Bob's Greenhouse and Personal Battery Pack.
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2020.12.24
    - First Release.
    - Changed some settings of Bobs Warfare.