Schall Geowarfare

“Destroy the world!” is now redefined by this mod. Adds a few weapons that have terrain destruction or terrain altering capability, which are featured weapons from “Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri”. Definitely too OP for PvP matches or ordinary PvE games. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Combat Environment


Q: Does these resource have any copyright issues?
A: I am not a lawyer, so I do not know. But since I do not sell this as a commercial mod, I guess it is okay. If you are the copyright owner and feel this is an issue, please contact me.

Q: Why define depths (heights) like that?
A: I think this is a very cool concept in the classic game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. It is no longer just plains/grasslands/hills/mountains and ocean tiles. Players can not only terraform among the land tiles; we can actually connect different islands and continents, or just sink the whole land piece (together with anything on it) to the ocean depths! This offers an unique mechanism that adds so much strategy depth to the game, while this game already has a lot of it!
By utilizing this concept, the water tiles (lighter in colour) and deep water tiles (dark in colour) will play some different role in this mod, instead of just aesthetic.
It is rather sad that it is hard to represent the positive height side (above sea level). Currently, I am using rocks and cliffs to represent the height or roughness of the terrain. It is subjective to changes, if there are better alternatives in the future.

Q: Why strategy missiles can only be fired from vehicles? Why can't I fire them by hand/turret/artillery?
A: Please see FAQ of Schall Missile Command.

Q: Why are my missiles stopped by the biters? Why are my missiles destroyed by the biters?
A: Despite Schall Missile Command has introduced missile interception, the native life forms (biters, spitters, and worms) cannot utilize that. However, the superweapons introduced by this mod are so powerful that they put favour in human players heavily, which I feel it should be balanced. The human players can permanently alter/destroy the terrain that the aliens cannot reverse (unlike ordinary weapons like atomic bombs, they can just rebuilding spawners to reoccupy the area)...
So the superweapons of this mod can be stopped by any unfriendly entities (biters, spitters, worms, spawners, trees, rocks, etc). The activated warhead (upon impact with target or any unfriendly entities) can also be damaged by aliens. These approaches altogether give aliens at least some chances to counter such big threat. They are NOT supposed to be a direct attack missile, unlike the MRV missiles of parent mod: Schall Missile Command.
This means that the players cannot launch these superweapons directly into the heart of alien spawner clusters... They are SUPPOSED to be fired at some distance from the alien frontier, chewing the alien territory from time to time. Especially With the enormous blast radius of higher tier warheads, this should not be problem to players.

Technical Details

Strategic Missile

Strategic missiles of this mod is primarily used for terrain destruction/alteration. But they are so powerful that you can use them for combat role indirectly.

This mod provides the following types of strategic missiles:

  • planet buster missile
  • tectonic missile
  • fungal missile

Heavy rocket artilleries are REQUIRED to launch these superweapons.

The ordinary rocket artillers CANNOT launch them.

Planet Buster Missile

  • Planet busters destroy everything within a radius, often leaving immense craters.
  • Shot from: Strategic missile launcher.
  • Target: Position
  • Form: Slow missile.
  • Collision: Yes
  • Damage (entities): Everything in area is destroyed.
  • Damage (tiles): Lower terrain height in area. The closer to impact point, the larger is the effect.
  • Area of Effect: 16 for tier I. Depends on tier.
  • Pollution: 100000 for tier I. Depends on tier.
  • Use: Turn the land tiles into water tiles. Even water tiles can be turned to deep crater ("void") with high tier missiles. Can be used to stop aliens (or your human enemies) from ever passing the region again. Useful for keeping shorter frontlines.
  • Tips: Can be interrupted (see below "Missile Interruption" section), so should be fired a few distance from enemy defenses.

Tectonic Missile

  • A tectonic detonation causes an earthquake that raises the target terrain.
  • Shot from: Strategic missile launcher.
  • Target: Position
  • Form: Slow missile.
  • Collision: Yes
  • Damage (entities): Everything in area is destroyed.
  • Damage (tiles): Raise terrain height in area. The closer to impact point, the larger is the effect.
  • Area of Effect: 16 for tier I. Depends on tier.
  • Pollution: 25000 for tier I. Depends on tier.
  • Use: Recover the lost land tiles (which is probably caused by planet busters). Create land path so you can invade your enemies again.
  • Tips: Can be interrupted (see below "Missile Interruption" section), so should be fired a few distance from enemy defenses.

Fungal Missile

  • A fungal detonation destroys everything within a radius. The detonation may also trigger native life forms from dormant spores.
  • Shot from: Strategic missile launcher.
  • Target: Position
  • Form: Slow missile.
  • Collision: Yes
  • Damage (entities): Everything EXCEPT native life forms in area is destroyed. Biters, spawners and alike are totally unharmed.
  • Damage (tiles): None.
  • Special Effect: Raising spawners in area.
  • Area of Effect: 16 for tier I. Depends on tier.
  • Pollution: 0.
  • Use: In case you are using loot mods (e.g., Schall Alien Loot), this can be fired into a killbox, producing your own easy farm. You can also use them near enemy bases in a PvP game, the hordes are going to give a big surprise to your friend (or rival)!
  • Tips: Better to be outside enemy artilley auto range in PvP game, otherwise spawners will be just taken out easily.

Missile Tier

Each of these types have four tiers. The higher tiers require respectively technology tiers in parent mods: Schall Tank Platoon, Schall Alien Tech, Schall Missile Command.

Tier IV bombs are NOT yet available. They are supposed to be unlocked by an advanced tech mod, which is still under design. (It becomes boring if powerful weapons come too easily, isn't it?)

The tiers are performed as follows:

Tier Blast Radius (m) Blast Power Mods Options Required
I 16 1 Schall Tank Platoon Enable Tanks MK1 series
II 32 2 Schall Tank Platoon Enable Tanks MK2 series
III 48 3 Schall Alien Tech Enable Tanks MK3 series & Enable Power armor MK3
IV 64 4 Not avaliable yet! Expected to be unlocked with an advanced tech mod in future.

High blast power will change the terrain depth more, or generate more spawners. Please see below section.

Terrain Height / Depth

Although Factorio surface is considered flat, having no defintion of height. This mod has borrowed the concept of terrain height and applied it in this mod. This is first done by classifying the Factorio tiles into different height/depth, according to the following table:

Depth Description Lua Pattern Example Entities / Tiles
< -2 Mountain "cliff" Not used in height determination. But for generation.
< 0 High ground "sand-rock-big" Not used in height determination. But for generation.
0 Land (Plains) - Any tile not matching the following patterns.
1 Shallow Water "^water" water, water-green, water-mud, water-shallow
2 Deep Water "^deepwater" deepwater, deepwater-green
>= 3 Void "out-of-map" out-of-map

Planet busters will lower the tile up to the missile tier, or up to the tile depth. For example, PBM I will turn grassland tile to water tile, but does nothing to the already water tiles; at least PBM III is needed to turn tiles into void.

Tectonic detonations will raise the tile by the missile tier. For example, TM I will turn deep water tile to water tile, or turn out-of-map tile to deep water tile; TM III can turn out-of-map tile to landfill tile directly.
When result height is above zero (i.e., result depth < 0), the terrain is defined as high ground. This mod represent this by a chance to generate rocks there. The "excess" height converts to a higher probability for such generation.
When result height is above two (i.e., result depth < -2), the terrain is defined as mountain. This mod represent this by a chance to generate cliffs there. The "excess" height converts to a higher probability for such generation.

The blast power (effect) diminishes when further away from the ground zero (impact point).

Notice that many settings (like the Lua patterns and default tiles) can be set under "Options" → "Mod settings" → "Startup" tab. But be sure you know what you are doing. Modded water tiles can be included, by expanding the lua patterns in the options.

Missile Interruption

Strategic missiles from this mod CANNOT penetrate through enemy units, they will be stopped by any alien units or alike.

This mod also introduced an activation mechanism to them. There will be an activation time (delay) after reaching the target, before the detonation. These measures are to give extra chances for enemies (especially the biters and spitters) to counter these strategic missiles, since they are really too devastating!
Therefore, these missiles are really unlike your ordinary weapons (artillery shells, atomic bombs, etc.). One CANNOT just fire into centre of spawners, expecting it to take down the whole base.
Instead, one should fire at the rim or even some distances from enemies. Do not worry too much though, the large blast radius (especially those more advanced ones) can be more than necessary to have enemies caught in range.


Planet busters and tectonic missiles generate TONS of pollution upon detonation (especially the former)! So expect the native life forms to come as big revenge waves!
But of course, you can do so to intentionally bump up evolution factor for some bigger challenge, in case mods such as Schall Endgame Evolution are installed.

Full List of New (or Changed) Items

Intermediate Parts

  • 3 ammo-related:
    • Planet buster warhead
    • Tectonic warhead
    • Fungal warhead


  • 12 strategic missile:
    • Planet buster missile I
    • Planet buster missile II
    • Planet buster missile III
    • Planet buster missile IV
    • Tectonic missile I
    • Tectonic missile II
    • Tectonic missile III
    • Tectonic missile IV
    • Fungal missile I
    • Fungal missile II
    • Fungal missile III
    • Fungal missile IV

Intermediate Entities

  • 12 land mines:
    • Planet buster warhead I - Activated
    • Planet buster warhead II - Activated
    • Planet buster warhead III - Activated
    • Planet buster warhead IV - Activated
    • Tectonic warhead I - Activated
    • Tectonic warhead II - Activated
    • Tectonic warhead III - Activated
    • Tectonic warhead IV - Activated
    • Fungal warhead I - Activated
    • Fungal warhead II - Activated
    • Fungal warhead III - Activated
    • Fungal warhead IV - Activated


  • 4 strategic-missile-related:
    • Geowarfare 1
    • Geowarfare 2
    • Geowarfare 3
    • Geowarfare 4