
by snouz

Hot planet to develop AI, 26 technologies, 2 new minerals, 5 buildings, many items, custom terrain, music, unique challenges...

2 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Logistics Trains Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

i [considering] Long Range Delivery Drones researched on moshine

4 days ago
(updated 4 days ago)

Long Range Delivery Drones are finaly compatible with space age

Have you thought about adding them into tech tree somewhere along stack inserters?
They seem to fit in AI researched tech vibe, and are cool in general.

4 days ago

Hi, thanks, that's probably a good candidate, and I saw that yesterday, but I'm not sure I really understand that mod and its usefulness, I'll have to test it. Also, IMO the graphics need to be polished to fit (trying to make sure everything I include fits the general factorio aesthetic/scale/contrast/etc), which would require some work.

4 days ago
(updated 4 days ago)

Hi ;D
The main and propably best use is on aquilo.
In vanila factorio there are a lot of gas to be found on far ice platforms
You can't place foundation in amonia ocean and building bridges to far ice platforms is just tedious and boring

I Currently play in modpack and My primary use of Drones are in helping when expanding on Aquilo.
It works rly well when combined with
Aqulio trenches ( and Cargo ships (
But the problem with drones is that they are too easy to obtain and build. Placing them in tech tree of some kind of planet is in my opinion good solution.
I was first thinking about gleba and placing drones behind carbon fiber, but drones fit's better in Moshine.

So that's why i am here

I agree with graphics, but i've seen much uglier mods. This one is at least kinda similar to factorio.
If time allow I will propably try to make mod that change tech requirements for Delivery Drones to gleba, to fix issue of "too easy to obtain"

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