Unfunny Science

(BETA) Entire game overhaul, ~900 more recipes. Makes the chemistry and industrial processes more "realistic" while trying to keep fun factor. Almost every recipe has a few byproducts to deal with, making even green circuits a challenge to automate.

1 year, 8 months ago
Logistics Environment Mining Fluids Circuit network Manufacturing Power

g Tank cars & Chain Signals

1 year, 8 months ago

After recording several episodes ahead, I have become sufficiently annoyed to quit playing the mod. Reason: I need water for antimony extraction. Water is not so simple. Can I use a tank car?` NO. It's locked behind antimony production. Can I use a barrel? NO. There are no barrels in the mod. Can I pipe it for dozens of kilometers across the landscape? Yes, but I would need to add pumps and that is far too annoying. It is also "too much" to have to build a new water plant at the antimony patch because of the solid byproducts and the need to shoot the chest every now and again... Factorio is about automation, and having to shoot chests is not automatable...

An additional and completely illogical thing: chain signals are also locked behind antimony.

I do not understand why we are denied these basic building blocks of a factory. It makes zero sense to me and is incredibly frustrating. Just makes the player experience terrible. It's like telling a person to write a novel and removing all vowels and the letter "r" from the keyboard...

1 year, 8 months ago

Thank you for the feedback! I played much more differently than you so I didn't find these as issues but thinking about it they do seem annoying. Your feedback and the fact you played it at all means a lot, I hope in the future when all the rough edges are smoothed out you can play it again and actually have fun.

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Can you move the tank cars up in the tech tree so they are released with regular train wagons? I will happily continue my series if you can add those, or barrels. I really am enjoying the mod. It's a lot of fun, and I don't really want to stop playing.

1 year, 8 months ago

barrels got moved up in 0.1.07 and ill move tank cars up as well in the next patch.

1 year, 8 months ago

Cool, thanks. Will continue, then. I appreciate you being so responsive to feedback.

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