Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Can't find cryoflux/phytogas

8 months ago

I have enjoyed playing Factorio for years and have played Overhaul mods like IR3, K2 and SE.
I'm in my first playthrough of EI and am blocked from continuing since I am unable to find Cryoflux or Phytogas on Nauvis.
I've progressed through Dark-age, Steam-age, Electricity-age, Computer-age and Simulation-Computer-age science packs.
I'm ready to research the Nauvisian Rocket Silo but it requires the Knowledge-Computer-age science pack.
The Knowledge-Computer-age science pack recipe requires Cryoflux, Alien Seed and Alien Resin.
I've found some Alien Resin around Alien Artifacts on Nauvis but to make it requires Alien Seed and Phytogas neither of which I have.

According to the FNEI mod Cryoflux and Phytogas are resources accessed using a Deep Pumpjack on their respective resource patch.
According to the Factory Search V1.10.8, just prior to V1.10.9 which eliminated returning search results from undiscovered chunks, there are no Cryoflux or Phytogas patches on Nauvis. I've also scanned what map is revealed so far, ~64x64 chunks, and haven't noticed any.

I've scanned enough Alien Artifacts to acquire all the Knowledge tier 1 recipes and none of this has uncovered the required resource patches.
I haven't acquired any of the Knowledge tier 2 recipes but these don't appear to be required at this point in my progress.

So, I'm at a loss on how to move forward.
Any pointers, clarification or assistance will be appreciated.

8 months ago

you have to build and "drone port" and a "gate" you can find them under the alien related stuff in you inventory
once you craft these items place the drone port and you can spawn a drone, also place the gate and link the gate to the other planet this planet is called gaia. then go to your drone port and spawn a drone and with that drone you fly true the gate you placed and you should fly to gaia on this planet you can find many cryoflux and phytogas. it sounds a little bit complicated but its very simple ;) if you need any help just let me know

8 months ago

Thanks, I had the wrong idea that I had to launch a Rocket from Nauvis to discover Gaia.
I placed the Gate and Drone Port.
I see Gaia as a destination setting in the Gate.
It looks like I'll need to generate some more power to use these items.
At least it looks like I have a way forward.
Thanks again for the pointers.

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