Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g stuck in drone

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

im completely stuck in my drone and i realy have no idea how to get out agian. i see my character standing and i can fly around but when i click exit in i all the time get an error is there anyone here who can help! its quite frustrating now since i finaly found a perfect mod

8 months ago

this is the error i get:

The mod Exotic Industries (0.6.7) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event exotic-industries::on_gui_click (ID 1)
LuaEntity API call when LuaEntity was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/scripts/control/drone_port.lua:489: in function 'exit_uplink'
exotic-industries/scripts/control/drone_port.lua:745: in function 'on_gui_click'
exotic-industries/control.lua:218: in function <exotic-industries/control.lua:203>

8 months ago

Have you tried blowing the drone you're flying/the drone depo up?

8 months ago

i did cant do anything while im in my drone beside just flying and pick stuff up.. if i pick the drone depo up i just disapear and get an error.
how do i blow up the drone itself then? thank you for your help :)

8 months ago

Artillery perhaps, but I have to imagine that breaking/blowing up has the same effect.

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