Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

b Gateways not working correctly

1 year, 2 months ago

Ever since the 0.5.2 update neither of my gateways will charge past 2 MJ. When I press the ON button it will send one item through and reduce the Energy to 1 MJ and then back to 2 MJ. It also wont send all items. It will send a single barrel, but won't send a sulfur stack but will send a single sulfur. The ON button stays green but no other items go through. If I exit and go back in, the gateway has turned off. I have plenty of electricity, using 270ish of 1.3 GW on nauvis and 109 of 511 MW on gaia.

1 year, 2 months ago

I also noticed that the gateway is using 100MW at idle. According to the change log the running cost should be 50MW.

1 year, 2 months ago

Next issue. Looks like stacks of items are getting duplicated. If you send only one item through, the item gets removed from the sending gateway and you get one item on the other side. If you send a stack of 2 or more, they don't get removed from the sending gateway, but still show up on the receiving gateway, thus duplicating what you send. I tested using stacks of iron plates and bio matter.
If you have 1 item per slot and fill 5 slots, you have to press ON 5 times to send all 5 items. Issue is it sends all 5 items on the first press, but only removes the item in slot 1. So the 2nd time hitting the On button it now sends all 4 items but only removes the item in slot 2, Hit ON again, it sends 3 items, but only removes slot 3, hit again it sends two items but only removes slot 4, hit on a 5th time it sends one item and removes it. Exp: using 5 iron plates, 1 per slot, after hitting the ON button 5 times I ended up with 15 iron plates on the other side.
If you have stacks and single items to send, it will remove one of the single items, leaving the stacks and the remaining single items, but sends the stacks and single items to the other gateway thus duplicating them.
Hope this makes sense.

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