Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Fluid Heater Broken?

1 year, 4 months ago

What is it supposed to do? It's connected by Low capacity heat pipes to the Solar Power Tower. It says it's 268.00 C. I tried pumping water through it but the water came out the same temperature. I was thinking it was supposed to be an early version of the Heat Exchanger but I guess not. What is it supposed to do?

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

No it's not broken :) Fluid heater heats up oil refineries and chemical plants, which require heat to operate. It has the same function as solar power tower - generate heat. It needs burnable fluid, like crude oil, to operate. Connect it to some oil pipes. Most of oil-like fluids are burnable, their energy is displayed in tooltip when you hover on oil pipe or container.

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