Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

i Voiding isotopes

1 year, 7 months ago

Hi, cool mod, I really enjoy it.

I want to produce deuterium for fusion from raw hydrogen via isotope separation and I need to void a large amounts of protium for this. But I don't see any 'intended' way to do this. I ended up with converting it into plasma and pumping it into non-insulated tank, so it explodes from time to time. The logical way probably will be to add fuel value to hydrogen and isotopes so they can be burned away in liquid burners.

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

Also, I've noticed lead is consumed much less than any other resource (at least in my current fusion age) and I'm still using starting vein with some ad-hoc processing I setup many hours ago. Maybe make fusion lead coolant cycle to loose small amount of coolant each cycle?

1 year, 7 months ago

Hi, cool mod, I really enjoy it.

I want to produce deuterium for fusion from raw hydrogen via isotope separation and I need to void a large amounts of protium for this. But I don't see any 'intended' way to do this. I ended up with converting it into plasma and pumping it into non-insulated tank, so it explodes from time to time. The logical way probably will be to add fuel value to hydrogen and isotopes so they can be burned away in liquid burners.

Use neutron activators to turn the protium into deuterium.

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

Hi, cool mod, I really enjoy it.

I want to produce deuterium for fusion from raw hydrogen via isotope separation and I need to void a large amounts of protium for this. But I don't see any 'intended' way to do this. I ended up with converting it into plasma and pumping it into non-insulated tank, so it explodes from time to time. The logical way probably will be to add fuel value to hydrogen and isotopes so they can be burned away in liquid burners.

Use neutron activators to turn the protium into deuterium.

I know about this recipe, but, realistically, it is easier to just discard excess protium instead of wasting neutron activators on it.

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

I want to produce deuterium for fusion from raw hydrogen via isotope separation and I need to void a large amounts of protium for this. But I don't see any 'intended' way to do this.

I think protium can be fused with lithium6. However, this will create lots of excess lithium7 which also needs to be voided, which still faces the same problem. There is less lithium7 than protium to void though, so it's still better.

Use neutron activators to turn the protium into deuterium.

I can turn lithium7 into 6, but fusing protium with lithium6 this way is meaningless. If i'm willing to burn neutron containers, I should do tritium-tritium fusion instead.
In real world we can't turn Li7 into 6, but there are many non-nuclear uses for lithium. We can just use Li7 to build batteries and they will work fine. I think there should be such a recipe in this game. Electronic parts use a lot of batteries, I think they use can use it up fast enough to sustain Li6 production.

About the gauss module, I think using gauss to duplicate fluids is one of its intended use. This will create massive amounts of excess empty barrels, so there needs to be a way to void these barrels. Maybe melt them in arc furnace?
Edit: I was too naive. I had a deeper look at the recipe, and I found that gauss can't affect barreling recipes. Gauss can only be used for duplicating liquid gases, together with the cryo container. Oh no.

1 year, 6 months ago

I know about this recipe, but, realistically, it is easier to just discard excess protium instead of wasting neutron activators on it.

What are you wasting, you make charged ones using Thorium and the spent containers from the process. Thorium is unlimited and only really costs energy to make. you get all of your containers back from the conversion process so just refill them using Thorium and you are good for an endless loop with just thorium as an input.

I did this with my DT fuel production process.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

Thorium is unlimited and only really costs energy to make.

No. It costs a lot of stone and centrifuging processing power, which could be used for a lot of other things. Energy is indeed free at this point, but machine processing power isn't.

you get all of your containers back from the conversion process

You don't. The process takes in a charged container and only returns 0.97 empty container.

From my observations, using separate reactors for power and neutrons are better than generating them from the same reactor (s).
For power reactors , T-T fusion is best. At 1e10K and low rate, you get 5000MJ from 1 Tritium.
The neutron collector has a base recipe time of 5s. Its actual effciency is the shown effciency minus 5%.
My neutron reactor setup has 20 collectors. Adding more is possible but will make the logistics far more complicated.
D-D fusion at 1e8K is best for neutron generation. At low injection rate, I get 3.8 charge/s and cost 0.5 charge/s. This nets 3.3 charge/s. I plan for 600SPM so I'll spend 1/s on science. I'm left with 2.3/s. This is enough fuel for 11.5 GW of power.
Unless you are spamming plasma turrets (crazy idle draw) everywhere, I think 11.5 GW will be enough to last til endgame.

Since you are already burning neutron containers on DT breeding, it's ok to burn a few more on the fuel production.

A single container can be reused 33 times, and counting in the cost of neutron reactor, it can give ~29 Tritium. This is 145GJ from a single neutron container. And I always put prod modules on neutron containers so they are cheap.

For my playthrough, I'm currently doing H-Li6 fusion with Li7 dumping. Later on I'll do Tritium fusion at high temperature, and repurpose my old fusion reactor for neutron generation.

My main question is moon mining. Currently, a moon mining trip gives 500 He3, which gives about same energy as 750 Tritium = about 50 neutron containers. And moon mining is way more complex and expensive than just producing 50 neutron containers. I think a trip is about as expensive as 1000 neutron containers. So moon mining is completely impractical.

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