Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

5 days ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Not enough Alien Seeds on Island map

9 months ago

I started to play on an island map and there are not enough (8) alien seeds to start the alien resin production.
I harvested only 4 of the seeds.
Is there any way around this?

9 months ago

I started to play on an island map and there are not enough (8) alien seeds to start the alien resin production.
I harvested only 4 of the seeds.
Is there any way around this?

If you only have the limited Island space then not - u would need to cheat the rest in.

9 months ago

Ok - that would be a shame.

This is a really nice mod! I am playing through for the 3rd time. Island Maps are nice as there is a limit and one will need to switch to space delivery.

Would there be a chance to maybe change the exotic rock recipe, so that there is something like a 0.001% chance for an alien seed?
Given that it comes from asteroids, it might make sense to the story as well.
I know that it might undermine Your intention to have the player explore the map - but could be a fix for island maps without cheating.

9 months ago

I can't progress to the last stage without the alien seeds, unfortunately.

8 months ago

Can somebody tell me how to cheat this, then?

And before I do - would there be a way to get the seeds in an alternative way, when one is on an island that is not large enough to have spawned all 8 seeds?


8 months ago

To cheat them in, the easiest way would be to open the editor (open the console, then "/editor"), then craft some, then put them in a chest (since your inventory doesn't transfer over), and then close the editor.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

On this topic, don't seem to find any on a regular map. Do these seeds spawn naturally?

Edit: OK, nvm, just found out. It's chance based :)

7 months ago

It would be cool to have an alternative way to get them - when they do not spawn on an island map.
Like the mechanics that forces you to explore.

This mod is great!

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

How do you get alien seeds?
Edit: Wow. Very rare from alien flowers.

7 months ago

Yeah, got to destroy the local fauna for those. Once you get a bunch, you can start the process to replicate and it stops being an issue.

7 days ago

To get Alien seed goto console and type

/c game.player.insert{name="ei_alien-seed", count=10}

7 days ago

And spoil the fun in the process. But actually something changed in the mod, playing it again, it's not that hard now, guess some recipes changed.

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