Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Not enough Alien Seeds on Island map

1 year, 7 months ago

I started to play on an island map and there are not enough (8) alien seeds to start the alien resin production.
I harvested only 4 of the seeds.
Is there any way around this?

1 year, 7 months ago

I started to play on an island map and there are not enough (8) alien seeds to start the alien resin production.
I harvested only 4 of the seeds.
Is there any way around this?

If you only have the limited Island space then not - u would need to cheat the rest in.

1 year, 7 months ago

Ok - that would be a shame.

This is a really nice mod! I am playing through for the 3rd time. Island Maps are nice as there is a limit and one will need to switch to space delivery.

Would there be a chance to maybe change the exotic rock recipe, so that there is something like a 0.001% chance for an alien seed?
Given that it comes from asteroids, it might make sense to the story as well.
I know that it might undermine Your intention to have the player explore the map - but could be a fix for island maps without cheating.

1 year, 7 months ago

I can't progress to the last stage without the alien seeds, unfortunately.

1 year, 7 months ago

Can somebody tell me how to cheat this, then?

And before I do - would there be a way to get the seeds in an alternative way, when one is on an island that is not large enough to have spawned all 8 seeds?


1 year, 6 months ago

To cheat them in, the easiest way would be to open the editor (open the console, then "/editor"), then craft some, then put them in a chest (since your inventory doesn't transfer over), and then close the editor.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

On this topic, don't seem to find any on a regular map. Do these seeds spawn naturally?

Edit: OK, nvm, just found out. It's chance based :)

1 year, 5 months ago

It would be cool to have an alternative way to get them - when they do not spawn on an island map.
Like the mechanics that forces you to explore.

This mod is great!

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

How do you get alien seeds?
Edit: Wow. Very rare from alien flowers.

1 year, 5 months ago

Yeah, got to destroy the local fauna for those. Once you get a bunch, you can start the process to replicate and it stops being an issue.

10 months ago

To get Alien seed goto console and type

/c game.player.insert{name="ei_alien-seed", count=10}

10 months ago

And spoil the fun in the process. But actually something changed in the mod, playing it again, it's not that hard now, guess some recipes changed.

7 months ago

Here is another way of harvesting seeds when in your map alien flowers are not enough. It can be considered cheating too, but at least it uses game mechanics instead of console commands.
1. find a spot with some alien flowers
2. save your game
3. shoot the flowers
4. if you did not get a seed, load your game and go to step 3
5 if you got a seed, save your game and find another spot.

This way you will get 1 seed per spot. You just need 4 seeds and 76 resin to start producing your own seeds and resin.

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