Exotic Industries

Progress through 6 ages of technology, starting with steam and tame exotic matter in the end. Adds various game mechanics, a variety of new resources and big machines. Compatible with Krastorio2.

8 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g Iron Wheel Gear Not Available

2 years ago

Not sure if this is an EI bug or a mod conflict, but to create blue steam generators I need Iron Gear Wheels, which are not a recipe i have unlocked nor are they available in the research tree. Am I missing something or is this another mod messing with recipe dependencies?

2 years ago

Not sure if this is an EI bug or a mod conflict, but to create blue steam generators I need Iron Gear Wheels, which are not a recipe i have unlocked nor are they available in the research tree. Am I missing something or is this another mod messing with recipe dependencies?

Your propably using AAI, which is not meant to work with EI. I will mark it as incompatible next update.

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)


Version: 0.1.0
Date: 21.03.2023
- First published release
- Replaces Iron Gear Wheel with either Iron Mechanical Parts or Engine Unit
Most mods do this automatically. I do not know why ChainGunner, Hauler, and Warden did not. Load order?
- AAI ChainGunner and AAI Hauler does not use Engine Unit
replace_ingredient(iron_version, "iron-gear-wheel", "ei_iron-mechanical-parts", 6)
replace_ingredient(iron_version, "iron-plate", "ei_iron-beam", 20)
- AAI Warden does use Engine Unit
replace_ingredient(iron_version, "iron-gear-wheel", "engine-unit", 8)
replace_ingredient(iron_version, "iron-plate", "ei_iron-mechanical-parts", 20)
- Reverse Factory
replace_ingredient(iron_version, "iron-gear-wheel", "ei_iron-mechanical-parts", 5)

1 year, 10 months ago

Hello! I'm using some of the Bob's mods that generally seem compatible but noticed some of the later assembly machines (and electronics assembly machines) need iron gear wheel instead of iron mechanical parts - from what I can see, EI tweaks recipes to use mechanical parts if they used gear wheels, but unsure why this wouldn't have applied to some of the ingredients. Would this be some kind of load ordering issue?
Could I potentially do what PseudoDoctor has done and make a custom/internal mod that attempts to specifically rewrite the recipes of affected entities?

1 year, 10 months ago

Oh, yep, that seems to have fixed it. Used PseudoDoctors' mod as a guide, copy and pasted one of the if data.raw.recipe[] then blocks and put in the appropriate names of the bob's assemblers that were looking for iron gear wheels. All looks well with the recipes in game now.

1 year, 3 days ago

i just figured why this behavior with bob mods happens, bob mods check if certain items are available like steel-bearing

if data.raw.item["steel-bearing"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient("assembling-machine-4", { "steel-bearing", 5 })
bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient("assembling-machine-4", { "iron-gear-wheel", 3 })

the add_ingredient function than appends the respective item to the ingredients list but not as an array but a hash, the current function tweaking recipes in EI is only able to handle entries which are entries but hashes.

example of the resulting structure
"assembling-machine-4": {
"type": "recipe",
"name": "assembling-machine-4",
"enabled": false,
"ingredients": [
"name": "iron-gear-wheel",
"type": "item",
"amount": 8
"result": "assembling-machine-4"

that is why the iron-gear ingredient is not getting replaced by EI itself

1 year, 2 days ago

i provided a pull request to fix this

a year ago

i provided a pull request to fix this

Ill look into! Just very very busy for the next 2 weeks. ^^

11 months ago

Please don't mark mods as incompatible just because they need gear wheels. I'm using the "disassemble long handled inserter" recipe from bio industries to get gear wheels and don't want my mod list to break.

New response