It's my pleasure, really! In that case I will hold making the video, already recorded the audio, but that can always be re-done.
Congratulations!! No worries, I didn't plan to have the video out before a week from now anyway.
"The planet can either be tackled with belts, or as I have chosen with bots (I am very lazy...) and all in all I really like Moshine. The power is accesible, materials are no further away than an offshore pump or a miner away and the material processing loop is easy. I think my only gripe with the planet is that the research unlocked is very, very lategame, while the planet itself is very early game. I like that you get materials with which to craft new solar panels and accumulators, which are intenesly more space effecient than their counterparts, each with quality options. More options is usually better and that means you have the choice of grinding quality or visiting Moshine for better solar options."
This is taken directly from my script. Which surmises much of it.
I don't know if it's my map settings (It probably is) but there were a metric ton of steam geysers. I ended up scrapping(recycling) a ton of copper ore, sulfur and coal to get more neodymium, I don't know if there would be a way to incoorporate those materials in the process of making the products or increase the yield of neodymium, but it feels "wasteful" (as wasteful as anything can be with more than 100 mining prod) to scrap those materiels just to get neodymium, but the same can be said for fulgora and holmium ore, so it's not such a big deal.
Maybe some more uses for the Stable trained models in research?