
by snouz

Hot planet to develop AI, 26 technologies, 2 new minerals, 5 buildings, many items, custom terrain, music, unique challenges...

2 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Logistics Trains Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g Thanks (Spoilers)

28 days ago
(updated 28 days ago)

Beautiful Planet. Very fun design. Eventually had to set up all the mixed ores, even Neodymium, to void excess into the molten Iron to make sure I had everything I needed down the line, with massive buffers of them all of course. I ended up doing a Bus build with just bots handling rocket fuel for trains, rocket part delivery to the Silo, and hauling the 3D data cubes to the Wreck outposts and the Super Computers. Came up with a neat design to make sure none of the Unstable ones get wasted. Its pretty difficult to really scale that part up without setting up a bunch of Data outposts. Fortunately the cost to upgrade Quantum Prod was pretty low. With 5 Legendary Prod3 in an EM plant making them you don't really need much of the research to get to 300%, I'm assuming that's the cap like most things are. Using the Maraxsis Petroleum to Heavy Oil cracking recipe made setting up Coal Liquifaction a breeze thus making Rocket fuel super easy and cheap and easier to manage because the Petroleum from Liquifaction is also cracked to Heavy to make more available to be converted to Light Oil.
There are some observations I have.
-I think either Magnet production is a little low or Magnet consumption is a little high. I had 6 mining outposts tapped focusing on Neodymium and it took a long time to build a decent buffer of the 3D Model Storage, Magnets, and Neodymium all while voiding probably between 80-90% of the other mixed ores. Maybe its just a personal preference, just frustrating to waste so much to get so little. I'm not even sure there is this much waste on Fulgora to chase Holmium.
-I don't think it would hurt to add Calcite to the mixed ores as they are already in the rocks and it would greatly benefit Copper production to be able to automate Molten Copper VS less productivity using smelters. I imagine most players will just add Moshine to their Calcite platform route so it wouldn't really make the planet less challenging to just have calcite available and honestly adding another mineral to filter is probably more difficult than just building another ship.
-Power production is weird. I can totally understand the idea of not creating massive Accu farms to store all that juicy Solar potential. Would just end up another Fulgora Power build without the difficulty of stringing Islands together. However, the boosted solar to have a kneecapped base at night makes it not worth it to use the solar at scale. I found it easier to just use the available steam to set up a bunch of Turbines at reduced power to have enough power all the time. Ive considered adding Heating Towers using some of that easy Rocket Fuel to get quality Steam for the Turbines, would be a little strange to convert the free steam to water to just use heat exchangers to turn that water back into hotter steam.
-----(MASSIVE SPOILERS)-------
-I don't see a harm in having Module Slots on the Data Processors and allowing them to be affected by Beacons. They are using Assembly 3 in the recipe so essentially they are modified Assembly machines which have 4 module slots. The data processing is extremely slow, even with Legendary Processors you can't quite make it to 2 Stable cubes per minute with 4 Processors converting Unstable Cubes. Thats 5 buildings, not including the Recovery building which you could certainly hook up to multiple clusters of Unstable to Stable builds with how fast the Data can be retrieved. The amount of Data Outposts you would need to set up to achieve 1k SPM, not buffer but stable, would be a staggering amount, about 600 Processing Unstable cubes and another 175 making Unstable Cubes, not to mention how many Recovery buildings you would also need. Perhaps a trade off somehow to justify Modules, maybe much more power consumption and/or even making the cost for failing to convert an Unstable cube more devastating. Repair packs are pretty cheap so currently the punishment for failing to convert an Unstable cube is pretty much non-existent. I never got to play any of those old overhaul mods but I have watched enough YouTube videos about them to know that the fallout for failing to properly use the Advanced Tech could be be cataclysmic and possibly even game ending. I'm not saying to turn the blast up to Nuclear levels or anything, but at least enough damage to destroy the Processor in possession of the Unstable cube would be fair.
-Overall the Moshine experience is pretty short in comparison to other planets so I look forward to more content in the future. Materials for Space Trains, Big Solar and Accumulators are interesting and add a little need to actually exporting from Moshine but not really at scale. I only set up a single Silo so far which makes my Rocket Fuel, LDS, and Blue chip builds quite silly to be honest. With Fusion the need for Solar and Accumulators is pretty low and with Turbobelts having more throughput than Trains they are seeing much less use so exporting from Moshine will be pretty minimal overall. It really seems the main goal will be to boost Quantum Prod to its cap and then maybe utilize the planet materials for Trains, Solar, and Accumulators. Maraxsis has the amazing Hydroplants, Steroid Beacons, unlocked Biolabs where ever you want, Super Cliff Explosives and who doesnt want Nuclear Artillery shells. Castra is annoying for its science production but has the pretty cool Forge. Both Planets provide resources that greatly benefit factories across the Solar System. Hopefully you can find a way to have Moshine have a similar impact.

Thanks for the experience, I look forward to whats next.

27 days ago

Thanks for the detailed feedback ! I'll get to it when I have at least a working prototype of part two of it!

New response