
by snouz

Hot planet to develop AI, 26 technologies, 2 new minerals, 5 buildings, many items, custom terrain, music, unique challenges...

5 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Logistics Trains Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g [on it] AAI Industries x Moshine

30 days ago
(updated 30 days ago)

Hey I stumbled into a small problem while using AAI Industries and your mod.
First thing - I love this planet and enjoy the quality of the mod!
The main issue is the stone/sand. Using AAI industries the sand is created from stone and cannot be reverted back to stone. Mining on Moshine yield sand which would not be a problem but AAI Industries change green circuts recipie to use stone tablets instead of iron plate. The result is that stone need to be transported (preferable from Vulcanus to Moshine) from outside.

I would propose a tweak if AAI industries is active to give green circuts as an alternative recipe in EMP like molten iron + copper plates or change the mine yields from sand into stones (so the player need to crush them into the sand himself). I guess without AAI everything would work out perfectly but it is what it is.

Keep up a good work! Sorry to bother you with such small things

29 days ago

After a little more time I just realized the sand should not be changed but maybe add a recipe to craft green circuts with silica and copper. I hope you will find a good solution, so far I am just bringing green circuts to the planet from the outside but I dont think I could bootstrap while stranded on the planet with AAI industries.

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