
by snouz

Hot planet to develop AI, 26 technologies, 2 new minerals, 5 buildings, many items, custom terrain, music, unique challenges...

11 hours ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Logistics Trains Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

b [Fixed] Optical Fiber goes poof

a month ago

Loaded in with 0.2.2 and all my already placed optical fiber pipes just get removed.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Ops my bad. i forgot to include migration data. This will only work on cables already placed. all cables in invantories will be fibers still, nothing i can do about that.

If you want to continue your save go into the Moshine zip file. Inside the Moshine folder create a new folder called "migrations"
Inside that create a json file. Does not matter the name of that file but probably call it "Moshine.0.2.2.json"
Inside that json file add the following lines.

["optical-fiber", "optical-cable"]

a month ago

Oh no, it's MY bad, I thought I had made the migration file correctly, but I renamed it, and it wasn't even correct. I've fixed it now.

New response