Jans Ultimate QOL Pack

by JanJB99

Add's a lot of different QOL Mods. This mod is only a pack with several mods from other authors. Credits go to every single author to make our game experience better!

Mod packs
10 months ago
Transportation Trains Combat Armor Environment Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Blueprints
This mod 82 From other mods 3
Dependency types:
Default 82 Required 82 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 8.73M
base -
flib 748K
MiscLib 30.9K
stdlib 380K
aai-signals 152K
Actual_Craft_Time 16.2K
adaptive_movement_speed 8.68K
AfraidOfTheDark 163K
alien-biomes 565K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 191K
artillery-bombardment-remote-reloaded 13.1K
auto-track-laying 6.05K
automatic-logistic-chests 8.46K
automatic-station-painter 14.5K
Automatic_Train_Painter 83.3K
blueprint-request 2.22K
blueprint-sandboxes 40.8K
BlueprintTools 19.4K
BottleneckLite 119K
bullet-trails 372K
calculator-ui 52.0K
chest-auto-sort 18.9K
cybersyn-combinator 6.98K
combat-mechanics-overhaul 277K
damage-numbers 4.85K
DisplayPlates 28.2K
early_entity_ghosts 716
EditorExtensions 70.9K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 97.7K
EpicArtillerySounds 63.2K
equipment-gantry 242K
even-distribution 350K
EvoGUI 103K
expandtooltip 3.51K
extended-descriptions 67.3K
FactorySearch 62.9K
far-reach 165K
FasterStart 75.1K
Fill4Me-fixed 33.1K
Flow Control 173K
FluidWagonColorMask 57.1K
fluid_permutations 16.3K
FuelTrainStop 48.5K
GhostInHand 8.81K
grappling-gun 270K
GUI_Unifyer 45.9K
helmod 383K
InserterFuelLeech 61.5K
inventory-repair 60.5K
jetpack 535K
LightedPolesPlus 81.7K
LootChestPlus 8.14K
RateCalculator 209K
Milestones 227K
mining-patch-planner 66.6K
ModuleInserterER 11.3K
notepad 3.79K
PickerAtheneum 27.7K
PickerBlueprinter 5.59K
PickerDollies 46.0K
PumpAnywhere 19.0K
RecipeBook 190K
RemoteConfiguration 35.5K
resourceMarker 57.1K
Shortcuts-ick 40.7K
sonaxaton-research-queue 46.6K
solar-calc 61.6K
SpidertronPatrols 39.0K
Squeak Through 442K
stack-combinator 15.8K
StatsGui 99.9K
TemporaryLogisticRequest 571
Todo-List 203K
TrainNetworkForPlayers 6.83K
train-upgrader 30.9K
unbarrel 2.55K
VehicleSnap 218K
WellPlanner 23.0K
WhereIsMyBody 28.5K
WireBox 893
WireShortcuts 38.4K
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v1.0.2)