Only Gleba

All of the scans were wrong. Nauvis isn't what we expected it to be. Vulcanus, Aquilo and Fulgora are all gone. There's Only Gleba.

a month ago
Logistics Combat Enemies Environment Mining Manufacturing
2 months ago
Latest Version:
1.2.1 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
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576 users

Your ship computer bleeps out one last warning as it turns off for good.

The scans were all wrong. There's no Nauvisian System here. It's all gone.

There's just asteroids, and one, single planet. It's not rich in metals like the scans suggested, instead it's rich in all kinds of flora and fauna.

The only way out of this is to build a factory... using Only Gleba.


  • The Ultimate Gleba Experience (TM): Nauvis has been replaced with a hybrid-world of Gleba and Nauvis. No iron ore, no copper ore, no coal, no oil. Only fruit, stone, uranium and fish... Plus pentapods, and biters.
  • Single planet playthrough: ALL Recipes and buildings (outside of Space Platform specific buildings) are now craftable and placeable on Gleba. There are NO other planets.
  • Rearranged tech tree: The tech tree has been restructured to suit a game start on Gleba's surface. Unlocks like the Heating Tower and Heat Exchanger will come earlier than usual, while oil processing will be much later.
  • Asteroid Mining: Tungsten and Lithium are now exclusively available in space. Vulcanus itself is gone, but in its place is a huge asteroid field, filled with tungsten-rich asteroids. Lithium is available from Lithium-rich asteroids in an asteroid belt which was previously inhabited by Aquilo.
  • New recipes: Ammonia and Fluorine are now craftable as products from Biter and Pentapod eggs.
  • Scrap mining: The Fulgoran scrap deposits now reside on Gleba. These resource-rich materials must be mined cautiously using Lubricant as a mining fluid.
  • Updated pollution mechanics: All enemies (pentapods and biters) use Nauvisian pollution mechanics. This means pentapods will be attracted to ALL parts of your factory, not just the farms. Additionally - farms now produce "normal" pollution instead of spores.

You might like this mod if:

  • You enjoyed Gleba's mechanics, and wished there was more reason to scale up there instead of different planets.
  • You're interested in a "What if?" of managing to survive the early game on Gleba, with nowhere to run, and no technology to back you up.
  • You're interested in a "What if?" of the above, except now there's biters too.
  • You're looking for a "Space Age+" playthrough with a bit more challenge. Most techs and recipes are unchanged, just reordered to fit a Gleban start. Very few techs/recipes are completely new, so the experience is very vanilla-like.
  • Death doesn't faze you.


  • Gleba has a rich and interesting set of mechanics for resource generation. The balance in Space Age struck me as odd - Vulcanus is relatively basic, but from a simple lava recipe, it's possible to produce near-infinite quantities of high tier-products in only a couple of steps. Meanwhile, the more complex and challenging mechanics on Gleba are very unrewarding in comparison - resulting in just basic ores.
    However, I don't think Gleba mechanics are bad - the opposite in fact! It's a far more interesting problem on Gleba, but it's still possible to create scalable resource generation from a small farming plot. This mod makes Gleba's mechanics the focus, and removes the player's ability to "run away" to other planets to build up their resources.

  • How do I get started?
    Other than installing the mod in the usual way, this will require a new game. Then, similar to Gleba in Space Age, the key hurdles are:

    • Obtain iron ore from Iron Stromatites, and copper ore from Copper Stromatites
    • These give raw ores, as well as iron/copper bacteria respectively. Those bacteria spoil into more usable ore to get started
    • Fruit products can be processed for a small chance of finding additional bacteria, to automate ore productin slowly
    • The Agricultural Tower automatically harvests fruit and plants seeds, to automate fruit production
    • Researching Bacteria Cultivation allows breeding of bacteria, to automate ore production at scale
  • Where are my flamethrowers?
    There is no oil on Gleba. Oil Liquification is a Material Science tier unlock, just as it is in Space Age. That means Oil processing requires Material Science, which requires Tungsten, which requires mining Vulcanus remnant asteroids.
    In short - flamethrowers are space-tech now. To counter this, rocket turrets are obtained much earlier, and are unlocked pre-space.

  • Why does the map say I'm on Nauvis?
    What? There is Only Gleba.

  • How do I get Ammonia?
    Ammonia is now crafted from either Pentapod or Biter eggs. The recipe is simple - just cook 'em in steam.
    Biter eggs are slightly more effecient as the eggs are slightly harder to produce until the endgame.

  • How do I get Fluorine?
    Fluorine is now crafted from combining Pentapod and Biter eggs together. Don't let your defenses fail!

  • Why are my Lithium Plates turning black?
    They're spoiling in the Gleban atmosphere. They can be dissolved into Lithium Brine and then reformed into Lithium ore in the usual way.

  • Is this beatable?


  • Jellynuts are an acceptable power source very early on for the first few furnaces and steam generation. Rocket fuel from fruit is a good idea for the midgame.
  • The heat tower is an effective dump for excess spoilage. Items burnt in the tower produce 250% of their usual energy value.
  • The heat exchangers technology helps make use of any excess energy from burnt spoilage
  • Turning spoilage into carbon is energy positive.
  • An agricultural tower combined with ore bacteria from fruit processing is a means to a renewable ore supply
  • Processing plant products into Bioflux allows Ore Bacteria to be cultivated. This can be used to automate scalable ore production from renewable plants.
  • Running away is semi viable very early on. If nests have closed in on you, find a quieter spot until you can deal with them.
  • A good defense is an good offense. Waiting for Pentapods to come to you is often disastrous. Being proactive in clearing pentapod nests is extremely worthwhile.
  • Rocket turrets have a minimum range. Overlapping turret lines can overcome this, as well as overlapping turret types.
  • Once EM research is available, the Tesla Tower is invaluable for defensive lines - the electric attack stuns and slows attacking enemies.
  • Nuclear power remains useful for decoupling power generation from spoilage.
  • The stone deposits on Gleba are poor. Investing in Lubricant production to maintain a good scrap production line is one way to maintain your stone supply without hunting for more stone.
  • Despite the absence of other planets, heading to space and constructing space platforms is still vital. Tungsten, Calcite and Lithium can all only be obtained in space. A good rocket supply setup is still worthwhile.
  • The route to the edge of the solar system requires passing through the Aquilo Remnants. Prepare well, it won't be pretty.
  • Don't give up.


  • This has not been play tested with any other mods currently. Most QOL mods I'd expect to work. Any mods which add, change, or remove planets or space locations will almost definitely break.
  • Unlikely to work with other large overhaul mods.
  • Mods which add new techs may need a compatibility patch, as many techs are rearranged in this mod.