Mini Machines Mod

by Kryzeth

Miniature versions of assemblers, electric furnaces, etc. Full integration with all of Bobs mods and ShinyBobGFX/ShinyAngelGFX, Industrial Revolution, Factorio Extended Plus (FXP), Gotlag's Electric Furnaces, AAI Industry, Fantario, and One More Tier. (independently, not necessarily simultaneously)

3 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

i [Added] Mini Multipurpose furnace.

6 years ago

Good day. I cant seem to find a mini multipurpose furnace in your mod. Can you please make this into a reality. That would really improve alot of things. Thanks.

6 years ago

That should be totally doable. I had always wondered if I should make mini versions of some of those bobs-specific machines. I think it was Metal-Mixing Furnace, Chemical Furnace, and Multi-Purpose Furnace (which was an upgraded combination of the first two). And then there's the electrolyzer...

I think if I did one of those, I should probably want to do the rest, for consistency. I'll take a look at the crafting menu later and see which mini bob machines I should add.

6 years ago

Thank you MA (Mod Author). That should be about it. The rest are amazing as they are. Keep up the good work.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Implemented as of v5.1.0

I decided to only add the mini multi-purpose furnace, as there's really no point to making mini versions of the metal mixing and chemical furnace (they get obsolesced a bit too early, and have very limited capabilities). Also, I forgot that I already had a mini electrolyzer. Although I could always go back and make mini versions of the other machines, if there's any requests for it.

6 years ago

Thanks I'll look into it now and see if there is anything wrong.

6 years ago

Anyways have you ever looked at the Deep Core mining mod? I think that their mining drill is simply too big. Could you also make a mini version of it. That would be great.

6 years ago

Assuming you mean this mod, I can't say I've ever used it. It looks interesting, though you're right about them being huge. I think the basic is 5x5, and the advanced is 9x9? It seems like being massive is just part of their intended design, and it's not from either bobs or angels, so I'm kinda reluctant to mess with it.

Hopefully the multi-purpose furnace was implemented properly? Although considering it's been over a year since the last machine addition I made to the mod, I can't be entirely certain that all the numbers came out properly. Specifically, power usage, and whether or not I should change the module slot amount.

6 years ago

Yup thats the one. And so far the mini multi purpose furnace was doing just fine. Ill check the power usage as soon as I can. Also. There seems to be an issue with the Balanced Mode in the setting. It seems that if I turn off the mini beacon just becomes a regular 3x3 beacon.

6 years ago

I tested the beacon with balance on and off, and the beacon hadn't changed. Although I will admit I only tested vanilla + mini, and bobs+shiny+mini. So maybe this issue only occurs when using bobs and mini, without shiny.

As for the multi purpose furnace, I completely hadn't changed its balance at all, with or without the setting enabled. I ended up fixing the energy usage, reducing the crafting speed by a bit, and reducing the module slots by 1 each (from 5 and 6, to 4 and 5 respectively) as of v5.1.1

6 years ago

Oh I see. Thank you. I just find this shiny mod then. Playing on balanced mode however seems better and realistic so I'll tell you if I can see any difference and any other issues. So far so good.

6 years ago

Yeah, if you're using any of bobs mods, I highly recommend playing with ShinyIcons and ShinyBobsGFX. It's extreeemely helpful for sorting the crafting menu. If you also use angels mods, then there's also ShinyAngelsGFX

6 years ago

Great Ill try them out as soon as I get home to play. Thank you for recommending them. I'm trying to compile a modpack they will be great additions to it.

6 years ago

No problem! I would never want to go back to using bobs mods without those 2 mods. They make everything look so much prettier as well. The colors for some things do change a bit, but it's easy enough to get into, especially for how much more logical the ordering is.

Also, as for balanced mode enabled, it's definitely my preferred way to play. It makes sense that a smaller entity should made of less materials, would result in a slightly less efficient machine. I just leave the option for those who want the machines to be a direct replacement of the base machines. But I like to use a mix of both, depending on the situation. With bobs mods, there are actually times you need a bigger machine, to provide more tiles for input and output

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