Extended Vanilla: Machines

Powerful machines for mid to lategame purposes, meant to fill some gaps in the Space Age progression. Currently adds: Quantum Arc Furnace.

26 days ago
Mining Manufacturing Power
Common sense Copyright
3 months ago
Latest Version:
2.1.1 (26 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
1.96K users

Short description of this mod(pack):

Another brick in the Extended Vanilla wall, this mod aims at filling some specific gaps in the game progression (mainly mid to late game) by adding some powerful and interesting machines. You can customize the crafting recipe, speed, base productivity, module slots of each structure that is added by it.
The machines currently added by this mod are the following.

Quantum arc furnace:

  • Base crafting speed: 8.
  • Base productivity: 25%.
  • Uses fusion fuel.
  • Module slots: 6.
  • Post Aquilo.

"When monopoles pass through the Plane Filter, they produce a quantum effect of self-organizing and can generate a thermodynamic negative temperature flow. Using this technology, the process of ores smelting or purification can be greatly enhanced. ~ DSP"
This machine is not only capable of doing all the standard smelting recipes, but quanutm reorganization allows the player to use some custom advanced recipes, both in the asteroid and ore processing.
(Fuel consumption is really efficient, allowing you to smelt 80k plates per single fusion cell.)

Modularity & Customization: the Extended Vanilla philosophy

  • The modding community increases as the player base does. So in a so crowded game compatibility is the key.
  • And since I can't keep up with all the mods that each day get released, updated and changed, I'll let you do that as much as the code lets me do it.
  • That's why many key recipe of the mod can be adjusted and modified via the settings tab.
  • Ingredients, ratios, results, secondary products: almost all the key recipes can be modified as you like.

A complete list of the mods on which I'm currently working: (Last updated: 22.12.2024)

The Extended Vanilla modpack:

  • [Extended Vanilla: Processing] - (Working on - early stages.)


My mods are coded as procedurally as I can: implementing new items is as easy as writing a word, but creating all the textures needed takes quite some time.


  • If you are a mod owner, you can contact me in private on both discord and the factorio forum;
  • If you're a fan and want mod compatibility, feel free to ask me.
    (DISCLAIMER: I'm more active on discord)

Join the chill vanilla+ enjoyers:

  • I'm not really active on the Factorio forum.
  • Instead, I daily use discord for multiple reasons, so you can follow me on my discord server if you want.
  • There you will find, other than me, many players that enjoy the modpack (and the game). We're both enthusiasts with hundreds of hours into the game and chill players that just started their journey in the game.
  • And if you have any suggestion, idea, or just need to report a bug, be sure to do it!


As a university student balancing my studies and other passions, sometimes it can be challenging for me to determine how much time I should invest in modding Factorio.
While I love creating content, I also have responsibilities and interests outside of gaming, as I think you can imagine.

By supporting my work, you're not only helping me decide how much time to dedicate to improving the mods, but you're also showing the value that my content brings to the community.
Your contributions could have a real impact on my ability to continue developing, and even those around me will see the importance of this creative journey. (They are not into the game and, therefore, can't understand its dynamics.)
If you enjoy what I do, consider paying me a coffee—your support truly makes a difference.

In return, you'll have some perks and boosts on this server, as a dedicated chat for donors and priority on modding ideas (this last one if you achieve the @Steel bros title).

In this sense, special thanks to my donors:

Tungsten enjoyers:

  • Merikolus;

Steel bros:

  • EGB Gaming;
  • MT;

Iron fellas:

  • Сотрудник НКВД;
  • Ala;

Mods used in the making and testing of my mods and of this page: (I think this is the least I can do.)

Inspired from the famous Mekanism's ore processing (A minecraft mod).

You've come this far? Really? What do you want? Even more schreenshots?
Just download and spam mate I can assure you this mod(pack) will allow you to, trust me.
What are you waitin' for? The factory must grow!

Known issues:

  • If you find any... my mistakes in english are endless... I'm sorry. :D
