Adds massive cargo ships to the game, that function similarly to trains. Also adds deep sea oil, oil platforms, tanker ships, train bridges and other water based content.
Error ModManager.cpp:1623: Error while running setup for entity prototype "port" (train-stop): next_upgrade target (ltn-port) must have the same collision mask.
Oh this is from the latest LTN update, which also broke SE compatibility (that was LTN’s fault though). This sort of error could be fixed by any of the mods involved, but if it doesn't occur when it is only LTN and Cargo Ships, that would suggest that another mod (e.g. Balanced Waterfill) should be fixing it. It could very well be Cargo Ships' 'fault' regardless - I haven't looked into it.
Ok i Can aprove say for me - have tested it (thx Optera from LTN for the tip) its a problem with "Balanced Waterfill". After deactivating and activate ltn + cargo ship it works!