Bob + SE + K2 Integration - Teq's Fork

by Teqed

Integrates several of Bob's mods into the Space Exploration experience. Forked from Qatavin's with additional mod compatibility, created for personal use.

7 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Mining Logistic network Manufacturing Storage


Version: 0.0.5
Date: 2024-6-2
    - Logistics: Resolved an issue with fast_replaceable_group of storage-tank when used with color-coded-pipes mods
    - Add incompatibility with original mod to prevent issues with fork.
Version: 0.0.4
Date: 2024-6-2
    - Logistics: Resolved issue with normal/expensive recipe modification.
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 2024-3-4
    - Assembly: Fixed new electric and fluid burning furnaces not being able to smelt stone bricks.
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 2024-2-23
    - Logistics: Resolved issue with the Robot Attrition robot repair setting if advanced flying robot frames are disabled.
    - Logistics: Resolved issue with K2 steel pipes being in recipes by mass-replacing all such ingredients with Bob's steel pipes.
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2024-2-21
    - Rewrites recipes for Bob's Classes, Logistics, Assembly, Mining, and Personal Equipment to use a variety of Space Exploration materials.
    - Added support for Krastorio 2.
    - Added support for LeahCim's Space Exploration Simplified.
    - Setting: Space Exploration modules from tier 5 and up can be made to only require 1 of the previous tier.
    - Assembly: Assembling machine 5+6 and oil refinery 2+3+4 crafting speed increased.
    - Assembly: Assembling machine 5+6 module slots increased (6 Slots, 8 slots).
    - Assembly: Electronics assembler 2+3 module slots increased (5, 8).
    - Assembly: Chemical plant 3+4 module slots increased. Chemical plant 1 module slots reduced (2, 4, 6, 8).
    - Assembly+K2: If Bob's higher tier machines exist, advanced assembling machine module slots increased (5), and advanced chemical plant module slots increased. (5)
    - Logistics: Space and deep space belts will be affected by Logistics' belt speed per tier setting if belt speed overhaul is enabled.
    - Logistics: Deep space underground belts will always be at least as long as ultimate underground belts.
    - Logistics: If AAI Loaders is active, Ultimate loader will have the same lubricant cost as the loader tiers above and below it instead of being more expensive.
    - Logistics: With the Robot Attrition robot repair setting enabled, more advanced logistic robots can be repaired with a much higher rate of return for intermediates, and no longer require robots of the previous tier to repair, which further reduces the cost.
    - Mining: Mining drills from tier 2 and up are now slower to maintain the intended difficulty of mining operations in Space Exploration, but have base productivity from 5% to 50%.
    - Logistics+K2: Redundant Krastorio 2 belt recipes will be hidden, with existing entities changing into their Bob equivalent when mined. Krastorio 2 loaders will be switched to AAI loaders in the same way if the AAI Loaders mod is active.
    - Mining+K2: Redundant Krastorio 2 mining drills will be hidden, with existing entities changing into their Bob equivalent when mined.