Yuoki Industries (Factorio 2.0) deprecated

by jatmn

Yuoki Industris for Factorio 2.0 adds more content like generators, ressource-transformations, machinery, turrets ... Original Creator: YuokiTani

a month ago
Logistics Combat Armor Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage

i Future of Yuoki Industires

a month ago

Im the original creator of the Fix's and Integrations mod for Yuoki Industries (pre 2.0 release) which I have worked on since 2021.
The mode features NUMORUS fixes.. such as recipe adjustments, icon fixes (rescale etc), name or description adjustments that were broken or incorrect.
As well as some new QOL stuff I added myself along with cross-integration support with other mods (none of those currently ported to 2.0 yet from what I seen)

The question is, should I merge the fixes mod into this one moving forward?
or should I just leave it be as an external mod?
I plan to merge them into one as the single code base is way more simple to manage, but feedback would be nice.

To date I have managed the Fix's mod with very minimal feedback and made changes as I see fit, it would be nice to have feedback on how others feel about this.

Additionally, should I expand a bit?
I have outlines for things like Mk2 Form Presses and Crushers, enhanced pure iron/copper for better plate production (requires additional steps of course)
And much more..

The one thing lacking is tech tree research as this mod never had one from the start.. and its quite cumbersome to puzzle out what should be researched when.. I tried to do this once and found myself progression locked many times :/

New response