Schall Tank Platoon

Adds different classes and tiers of tanks in-par with power armors, having vehicle equipment grid. Aims to fill the gaps the vanilla game should have. Not overhaul nor OP. Vanilla oriented and balanced. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro, Español)

7 days ago
0.16 - 2.0
Transportation Combat

i Russian localisation

I translated this mod to Russian:

Foof... Looks like this is all...
I also noted couple of typos in English:
line 127: "launching launching"
line 153: "Default ... (Default)"

6 years ago

Wow! Thank you for all the four files!
I can imagine there was a lot of work, especially when translating this mod!

6 years ago

Hi, I have added some new items, can you translate them for me please?
Schall-sniper-rifle=Sniper rifle
Schall-rocket-turret=Rocket turret
Schall-cannon-turret=Cannon turret (75 mm)
Schall-autocannon-turret=Autoannon turret (20 mm)
Schall-sniper-turret=Sniper turret
ht-TR=Cargo truck

Schall-sniper-rifle=Снайперская винтовка
Schall-rocket-turret=Ракетная турель
Schall-cannon-turret=Пушечная турель (75 мм)
Schall-autocannon-turret=Автопушечная турель (20 мм)
Schall-sniper-turret=Снайперская турель

6 years ago

Thank you!
The next update after this release, I can add the plutonium ammo. We can start to discuss the ammo damage. To give you an idea of balancing, here I made a short summary of cannon shell damage:
- Cannon shell: 200 Physical + 100 Explosion
- Exp. cannon shell: 180 Physical + 300 / 4 AoE Explosion
- Uranium cannon shell: 400 Physical + 200 Explosion
- Exp. Uranium cannon shell: 350 Physical + 315 / 4.25 AoE Explosion
And your current setting in Plutonium energy mod:
- Plutonium cannon shell: 600 Physical + 300 Explosion
- Exp. Plutonium cannon shell: 525 Physical + 475 / 4.25 AoE Explosion
The end-game pre-space-science upgrades give +220% damage bonus, which gives:
- Uranium cannon shell: 1280 Physical + 640 Explosion
- Exp. Uranium cannon shell: 1120 Physical + 1008 / 4.25 AoE Explosion
- Plutonium cannon shell: 1920 Physical + 960 Explosion
- Exp. Plutonium cannon shell: 1680 Physical + 1512 / 4.25 AoE Explosion
And the health of behemoth biter is only 3000, behemoth spitter has 1500.

I have made a google spreadsheet with all values (including bonuses):
I already made some changes for the Plutonium in this spreadsheet.

5 years ago

Hi, I am making an update, needing help in following text. Can you help in translation?
Schall-concrete-wall=Concrete wall ( Бетонная стена )?
Schall-concrete-gate=Concrete gate ( Бетонная ворота )?
Schall-concrete-walls=Concrete walls ( Бетонная кладка )?
(Reference: in-game existing tech: stone-walls=Каменная кладка)
tankplatoon-concrete-walls-enable=Enable Concrete walls

Schall-concrete-wall=Бетонная стена
Schall-concrete-gate=Бетонные ворота
Schall-concrete-walls=Бетонные стены
tankplatoon-concrete-walls-enable=Включить бетонные стены

5 years ago

Working on 0.17. Can you provide the following translation?
Schall-sniper-rifle=Eliminate enemies at very long range.
Schall-repair-pack=Repair entities at faster rate.

Schall-sniper-rifle=Поражает врагов на дальней дистанции.
Schall-repair-pack=Ремонтирует постройки с большей скоростью.

5 years ago

Hi again, can you please translate the following strings?
Schall-poison-bomb=Poison bomb
tankplatoon-ammo-colour-rearrange=Rearrange ammo colour
tankplatoon-ammo-colour-rearrange=Only poison items use yellow.\nAffected items: __ITEM__rocket__, __ITEM__poison-capsule__, __ENTITY__poison-cloud__.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)
Schall-poison-bomb=Кислотная бомба
tankplatoon-ammo-colour-rearrange=Переорганизовать цвет боеприпасов
tankplatoon-ammo-colour-rearrange=Только кислотные предметы используют жёлтый.\nЗатронутые предметы: __ITEM__rocket__, __ITEM__poison-capsule__, __ENTITY__poison-cloud__.
5 years ago

Thanks for your prompt reply!

5 years ago

Hi, I need a help from you too. Here are the text:

tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition=Force condition Cannon shells
tankplatoon-tank-autocannon-force-condition=Force condition Autocannon shells
tankplatoon-tiered-military-vehicles-subgroups=Tiered military vehicles subgroups
tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition="all": (Default) Can hit everything including friendlies.\n"not-same": Can fire over own force.\n"not-friend": Can fire over friendlies.
tankplatoon-tank-autocannon-force-condition="all": Can hit everything including friendlies.\n"not-same": Can fire over own force.\n"not-friend": (Default) Can fire over friendlies.
tankplatoon-tiered-military-vehicles-subgroups=Only applies if “Transport Group” mod is installed.

Let me explain the terms a bit, so you know what the above does.
"Force condition" is a new property belonging to ammo and projectiles, in recent updates. This restrict what the projectiles could collide with. Vanilla tank cannon shells default to "all", so they will damage friendly turrets and walls. Other settings will exclude them from collision check.

"Tiered subgroups" comes from my new coming mod “Transport Group”. This new mod puts transport subgroup into a separate new “Transport” group tab, containing all vanilla and most modded vehicles. It is hard to explain by words only, so I post a picture here.

By default of this mod all military vehicles are in the same subgroup like the left frame. This option puts them into separate subgroups according to their tier (MK1, MK2, MK3, etc).
My English text may not be good, so feel free to suggest better grammar, and translate into appropriate text.

Alien Tech needs an update too. But I put them in separate post to avoid confusion.

Thankss for explanation!
Here's the translation:

tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition=Условие стороны крупнокалиберных снарядов
tankplatoon-tank-autocannon-force-condition=Условие стороны автопушечных снарядов
tankplatoon-tiered-military-vehicles-subgroups=Подгруппы для уровней военного транспорта
tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition="all": (По умолчанию) Наносит урон всем, в том числе и союзникам.\n"not-same": Можно стрелять через свои постройки.\n"not-friend": Можно стрелять сквозь союзнические постройки.
tankplatoon-tank-autocannon-force-condition="all": Наносит урон всем, в том числе и союзникам.\n"not-same": Можно стрелять через свои постройки.\n"not-friend": (По умолчанию) Можно стрелять сквозь союзнические постройки.
tankplatoon-tiered-military-vehicles-subgroups=Применяется, если установлен мод “Transport Group”.

5 years ago

Thank you for the translation (and the part in Alien Tech too)!

5 years ago

I have an update too. Please help:

tankplatoon-chemical-weapon-chemical-recipes=Chemical recipes for chemical weapons
tankplatoon-chemical-weapon-chemical-recipes=Affected items: __ITEM__poison-capsule__, __ITEM__Schall-poison-bomb__.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

No problem

tankplatoon-chemical-weapon-chemical-recipes=Химические рецепты для химического оружия
tankplatoon-chemical-weapon-chemical-recipes=Действует на: __ITEM__poison-capsule__, __ITEM__Schall-poison-bomb__.

5 years ago

Thanks for your very quick response!

5 years ago

Hi, it's update again. Can you help translating?

tankplatoon-personal-laser-defense-equipment-energy-consumption=Shot energy: Personal laser defense
tankplatoon-personal-laser-defense-equipment-energy-consumption="50kJ": Vanilla 0.17 setting.\n"200kJ": (Default) Vanilla 0.16.51 setting.
tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition-not-same=Not same
tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition-not-friend=Not friend

Some explanation:
"Shot energy" (or "Energy per shot") is the energy consumed per shot of the equipment, in units of Joule (J).
The game uses variable name energy-consumption but it's NOT. Energy consumption should be in units of Watt (W) instead.
[string-mod-setting] refers to the string displayed in options of string-settings, which I have found out they can also use localised string in this format.

Sorry for a long wait.
Here's the translated strings:

tankplatoon-personal-laser-defense-equipment-energy-consumption=Энергия выстрела: Персональная лазерная защита
tankplatoon-personal-laser-defense-equipment-energy-consumption="50кДж": Базовая игра версии 0.17.\n"200кДж": (По муолчанию) Базова игра версии 0.16.51.
tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition-not-same=Не той же
tankplatoon-tank-cannon-force-condition-not-friend=Не дружественной

5 years ago

Thank you! This is very helpful.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Hello again! Having new strings for the coming update. Can you help translate? Thanks in advance!
The text is about dedicated magazines for sniper rifle.

Schall-sniper-bullet-type=Bullet (__ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle__)
Schall-sniper-firearm-magazine=__ITEM__firearm-magazine__ (__ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle__)
Schall-sniper-piercing-rounds-magazine=__ITEM__piercing-rounds-magazine__ (__ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle__)
Schall-sniper-uranium-rounds-magazine=__ITEM__uranium-rounds-magazine__ (__ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle__)
Schall-sniper-bullet-damage-bonus=__ITEM__Schall-sniper-bullet-type____ITEM__Schall-mod-damage__: +__1__
Schall-sniper-bullet-shooting-speed-bonus=__ITEM__Schall-sniper-bullet-type____ITEM__Schall-mod-shooting-speed__: +__1__

Actually not much real text to add (if same as English grammar). Do not know if it shows better in different wording in Russian.
BTW, this is what you provided last time, that the magic string is using:

Schall-sniper-rifle=Снайперская винтовка

And for the modifier description part, you have reordered and used custom text, like the following:

autocannon-shell-damage-bonus=__ITEM__Schall-mod-damage__автопушечного снаряда (20 мм): +__1__
autocannon-shell-shooting-speed-bonus=__ITEM__Schall-mod-shooting-speed__автопушечного снаряда (20 мм): +__1__

I don't like using references to other locale entries when I write locale for my own mods. For me, plain text is just easier to read.

Schall-sniper-bullet-type=Пуля (ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle)
Schall-sniper-firearm-magazine=ITEM__firearm-magazine (ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle)
Schall-sniper-piercing-rounds-magazine=ITEM__piercing-rounds-magazine (ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle)
Schall-sniper-uranium-rounds-magazine=ITEM__uranium-rounds-magazine (ITEM__Schall-sniper-rifle)
Schall-sniper-bullet-damage-bonus=ITEM__Schall-sniper-bullet-type_ITEM_Schall-mod-damage: +__1
Schall-sniper-bullet-shooting-speed-bonus=ITEM__Schall-sniper-bullet-type_ITEM_Schall-mod-shooting-speed: +__1

4 years ago

It's alright to write your own.
Just a problem in [modifier-description]:
It seems Russian text in different in word order for the damage bonus and shooting speed bonus.

First line is from vanilla game about vanilla bullet.
Second line is from your earlier translation about autocannon shells (20mm).
Third line is what you provided above (same as English.), for bullet (sniper rifle).

Do you want to make them consistent?

Schall-sniper-bullet-damage-bonus=Урон от пуль (Снайперская винтовка): +__1__
Schall-sniper-bullet-shooting-speed-bonus=Скорость стрельбы пулями (Снайперская винтовка): +__1__

Turns out, just writing plain text is easier...

4 years ago

Thanks. It looks fine now,
(Magic strings is good normally, but easy to be overlooked when languages have different word orderings.)

4 years ago

Hi, it has been quite some time since last locale update.
There is an update in description:

tankplatoon-ht-RA-enable=This is forcefully enabled, if “Schall Missile Command” is enabled.

Schall Missile Command is a new mod just released today. Please see if you are interested in providing a translation too. Thanks.

Side note: Perhaps it is possible to make a "Plutonium MRV missile" in the above-mentioned mod, if "Plutonium Energy" is enabled. It would just release your existing projectile "plutonium-atomic-rocket", so could be quite easy to make. (It would be much simpler than introducing new 88mm of 128mm Pu cannon shells for all the balancing matters...) Each of my MRV missiles is releasing EIGHT bombs of that type. There are screenshots on that mod page to see how they will look like.

It's been a long time...
Here's the translation:

tankplatoon-ht-RA-enable=Принудительно включено, если “Schall Missile Command” включён.

I'll take a look at your new mod...

New response