Start on each planet afresh! Dropping cargo safely from space platforms requires pods made out of materials native to the planet in question, forcing rockets before drops. This also adds a cost to orbital logistics.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.4.0 Date: ???? Changes: - Added option to provide a starter cargo pod for Vulcanus, Fulgora and Gleba once per save.
Version: 1.3.3 Date: 2025-02-01 Changes: - If the PlanetsLib cargo drop technology is enabled for a planet, the cargo pod item recipe for that planet is now unlocked by that technology. - Removed the 'Enable mod' checkbox setting. - Better compatibility with Any Planet Start. Locale: - Added Russian localization.
Version: 1.3.2 Date: 2024-12-23 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash when changing the minimum drop count setting using the text field.
Version: 1.3.1 Date: 2024-12-18 Changes: - Stack size of cargo pods increased to 20, though rocket capacity is still 1. Bugfixes: - Fixed crash in the blueprint sandbox environment.
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 2024-12-18 Changes: - Reduced the steel plate, holmium plate and tungsten plate costs of cargo pods. - Expensive Mode no longer increases metallic ore available in space.
Version: 1.2.16 Date: 2024-12-16 Info: - Clarify tooltip description for 'Cargo drops destroy player weapons and armor' setting.
Version: 1.2.15 Date: 2024-12-16 Bugfixes: - Fixed multiple versions of the space platform GUI appearing.
Version: 1.2.14 Date: 2024-12-15 Changes: - Drop configuration GUI now updates when open when other players in your multiplayer session modify the settings. Bugfixes: - Fixed a corner case crash related to the checkbox in the GUI.
Version: 1.2.13 Date: 2024-12-14 Changes: - GUI compatibility with previous version of the mod.
Version: 1.2.12 Date: 2024-12-14 Changes: - GUI compatibility with previous version of the mod.
Version: 1.2.11 Date: 2024-12-13 Graphics: - Graphical improvement for canceled pods.
Version: 1.2.10 Date: 2024-12-13 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash due to the new space platform GUI when opening entities with no name.
Version: 1.2.4 Date: 2024-12-12 Changes: - Bugfix when using the checkbox.
Version: 1.2.3 Date: 2024-12-12 Changes: - Tooltip added to the minimum drop setting for clarity.
Version: 1.2.2 Date: 2024-12-12 Changes: - Fixed a crash when launching rockets from planets.
Version: 1.2.1 Date: 2024-12-12 Modding: - Code cleanup.
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 2024-12-12 Changes: - Added setting to the space platform hub GUI to control the minimum stack of items allowed in drops.
Version: 1.1.15 Date: 2024-11-30 Changes: - Gleban cargo pods no longer spoil. - Information update.
Version: 1.1.14 Date: 2024-11-28 Bugfixes: - Gleban cargo pods are now craftable in space as intended.
Version: 1.1.13 Date: 2024-11-28 Changes: - Players no longer have a respawn timer after dying in a cargo pod.
Version: 1.1.12 Date: 2024-11-28 Bugfixes: - Fixed spoil time of Gleban cargo pod items.
Version: 1.1.11 Date: 2024-11-28 Changes: - Added setting to disable the entire mod, for use by Space Age: Hardcore Mode players.
Version: 1.1.10 Date: 2024-11-28 Features: - Added compatibility with Expensive Mode.
Version: 1.1.9 Date: 2024-11-27 Changes: - Reduced the steel cost of cargo pods by half.
Version: 1.1.8 Date: 2024-11-27 Changes: - Reverted Nauvis cargo drop pod recipe back to uranium-238 instead of depleted uranium fuel cells.
Version: 1.1.7 Date: 25.11.2024 Changes: - space_travel_required turned on
Version: 1.1.6 Date: 25.11.2024 Changes: - Mod name changed once more!
Version: 1.1.5 Date: 24.11.2024 Features: - Gleban cargo pods now spoil at the same rate as bioflux and can be restored by adding more bioflux. - Cargo pods can now optionally be made in their special production building of their respective planets. Changes: - Certain localized planet names are now possessive.
Version: 1.1.4 Date: 24.11.2024 Changes: - Mod description updated.
Version: 1.1.3 Date: 24.11.2024 Changes: - Mod description updated.
Version: 1.1.1 Date: 24.11.2024 Changes: - Mod name updated.
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 23.11.2024 Changes: - Added Nauvis, Vulcanus, Fulgora Gleba and Aquilo cargo pod items to encode the drop costs.
Version: 1.0.26 Date: 23.11.2024 Changes: - Hotfixed a case where the platform leaves a space location before one of its cargo pods has finished being canceled.
Version: 1.0.25 Date: 23.11.2024 Changes: - Cargo drop corpses now avoid landing in large bodies of liquid.
Version: 1.0.24 Date: 23.11.2024 Changes: - Unprotected players' bodies are now left behind at their explosion point.
Version: 1.0.23 Date: 22.11.2024 Changes: - Rework: By default, cargo pods simply fail to launch if protective materials aren't present (unless a player is riding the pod).
Version: 1.0.13 Date: 22.11.2024 Changes: - Fixed a bug where cargo pods launched up to platforms try to pay the cost. - Turned off the 'return items to hub' setting for now, as it causes automation problems.
Version: 1.0.12 Date: 20.11.2024 Changes: - Bioflux is now required to drop onto Gleba. Minor Features: - Audiovisual effects on pod destruction. Optimizations: - No longer calls find_entities_filtered on non-platform surfaces.
Version: 1.0.11 Date: 20.11.2024 Bugfixes: - Fixed multiple players dropping in on top of each other.
Version: 1.0.5 Date: 19.11.2024 Changes: - 'Super hardcore' mode introduced, where player armor and guns are destroyed when their cargo pods burn up.
Version: 1.0.4 Date: 19.11.2024 Changes: - Fixed a bug in 1.0.3 preventing cargo pods from burning up. - Settings introduced to control the number of protective materials required. - Setting introduced to allow cargo pods to carry construction robots for free.
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 19.11.2024 Changes: - Optional setting to return items to the space platform hub when the cargo pods burn up.
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 19.11.2024 Changes: - Players in burnt cargo pods end up at {0, 0} as they would do if the pod landed successfully. - Cargo pod destruction procession tick timed for a better visual effect.
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 18.11.2024 Features: - Dropping cargo pods expends material native to that planet, ensuring the player starts on Vulcanus, Fulgora and Gleba afresh.