Napu's Mod

by Napu

This mod adds a lot of new items, including (but not limited to) mining drills, solar panels, crates, long-handed inserters and ore & metal compression.

3 months ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power Storage

b [1.0 & 0.18] Alien remains don't generate

4 years ago

I'm not sure why, but remains don't generate on the map. Seems like it has something to do with the autoplace control being the oldest description ("peaks"). I think there was one time they appeared in 18 (I was using an island mod), but every other time they haven't. I haven't changed the autoplace control, but they do appear if I do /c game.player.surface.regenerate_entity("remains")

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Do you mean alien blood?
Solidified remains are made in a Chemical Plant from alien blood which should be extracted from patches using pumpjacks (just like oil).
Look for red dots on the map.

4 years ago

The prototype on the map is called 'remains', so I call them that. I'm trying to figure out the circumstances :/ . I played many maps where the remains just did not generate, and I had to call for it myself. Vanilla+Napu's does spawn them, and I'm adding some other mods one-by-one to see if they cause conflict, but it's not happening.

4 years ago

If it spawns without a problem with just vanilla enabled it's a mod conflict with another mod adding in resources. Resources tend to fight for the right to be placed and can result in no resources of a certain type.

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