Colony Builder

Build your very own colony on Nauvis. Create housing, services and recruit colonists to grow your settlement alongside your factory. Be sure to check the tips & tricks for more information on the systems and mechanics of this mod.

4 days ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Enemies Manufacturing

g Game Crashes on using vehicles to kill bugs sometimes

12 days ago
(updated 12 days ago)

Suffering a constant crash when using any vehicle to try and kill bugs.

1st crash
The mod Colony Builder (0.1.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event ColonyBuilder::on_entity_died (ID 4)
LuaPlayer doesn't contain key player.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:183: in function <ColonyBuilder/control.lua:157>

2nd crash

Error while running event ColonyBuilder::on_entity_died (ID 4)
ColonyBuilder/control.lua:191: attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ColonyBuilder/control.lua:191: in function <ColonyBuilder/control.lua:157>

Error seems to happen at Random it has me confused I have wiped every mod I have down to Colony Builder to see if it is a mod conflict.
Unsure if its some kind of unique problem but frustrating and hoping its a bug.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: sorry this was supposed to go under bugs.

12 days ago

Thank you for the bug report, I do have some questions. Did these errors occur when you were playing a game-mode without a character? Did you use any mods that alter how vehicles work in any way?

I could reproduce the error if I played without a character, such as in sandbox mode. I can't think of any other cause for this crash at the moment.

The next patch will fix the issue mentioned above. I hope this fixes your problem as well, be sure to let me know.

11 days ago

It is causing the issue in my multiplayer run with some friends it looks like if It only happens if you I use any AAI vehicles for combat and it only throws this one error for ColonyBuilder Sorry there is not more to go off of.

10 days ago

guess my issues is a dupe then lol
fix in my one does work though

10 days ago

Sorry I figured I should at least inform you like the error says have a good day thanks for the fun mod.

4 days ago

I hope the error is fixed now, let me know if it is not.

New response