Unlock advanced mining, processing, and refining for the various ore types. Each resource has a completely unique chain with dozens of byproducts. The more effort used, the more you can extract.
混沌重生天地乱,洪荒复苏祸人间。九子领命屠仙谷,诸妖成阵誓逆天。 山河破碎血蔽日,生灵涂炭焰遮天。仙家遁去匿长生,诸神归位隐仙山。 自此世上无洞天,阴阳五行复逆乱。三界灵力具暴走,世人之命悬一线。 三界无光天具暗,烁烁灯火隐复现。诸仙共摆万仙阵,小小道童得仙缘。 机缘巧合入异界,无妖无兽无人烟。阵图丹方现识海,三千大道在眼前。 前有五行灵矿现,雾气氤氲灵力见。伏羲大阵衍万物,千机御锁化万千。 身披五行龙鳞甲,收执精金斩妖剑。左手无极混天雷,右手神符定坤乾。 盗返三界却奈何,已无生人还世间。斩妖屠兽混无功,小仙欲哭泪却干。 忽得一敏灵光现,道衍诸天随我愿。集灵重修锁妖塔,聚魄再造炼妖幡。 上古大妖筋皮骨,绝世奇材任我炼。小仙重摆万仙阵,造化万物再启缘。 先修泰坦混沌体,再炼世界初本源。日月精华显神通,万灵重修五行全。 攒土为人魂魄全,八脉齐通随先天。肝花五脏各行功,新界新人一如前。 幽谷幽脉无怨鬼,灵山灵界无散仙。此间再无旧仇怨,世事太平度新年。 群289362487
Unravel the mysteries of the ultradense utility cube in this devious overhaul mod. See the mod page for a complete list of compatible mods.
You are in relative control of a spacecraft equipped with a warp drive that distorts the shape of the space-time continuum and may travel at speeds greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude. Jump from planet to planet and extract most resources you can to rebuild you ship. Each planet is unique with its own challenges, and you can stay limited time on it, until spaceship warps toward another world.
Resource and enemy bases spawn rework. Biter attack mechanic changed to work on timers, to make more interesting combat with steady difficulty. A lot of combat, pollution, modules, technologies and recipe changes. Early equipment technologies.
Fulgora's moon of puzzles. Ancient wrecks lodged under thick ice can seemingly be repaired, including a colossal Fulgoran reactor that could transform the possibilities on the surface... if you can manage to get it working. Cerys is a largely complete and polished mod that does not affect the vanilla game, so is easy to include in existing saves.
Conjure items from nothingness using energy and a bit of magic. Or sufficiently advanced technology, who really knows?
This mod contains and integrates HD textures for the quality entities of the Space Age DLC.
Explore Nauvis' moon of Muluna, and take your first step into space. Revamps the Space Science pack to be crafted on Muluna. The surface is devoid of life, but who knows what lurks in the planet's many craters?
All Qualities, unlocked from the start! Quality Modules not included.
팩토리오 2.0 모드들의 한글화를 돕는 모드입니다. 지원되는 모드는 Changelog나 모드 정보 참고 부탁드려볼게요! (950+ 모드 지원, 일부 대형모드 포함) 번역 추가 / 수정 / 개선 요청이 필요하다면 Github나 토론장, 디스코드 채팅 polarzero로 자유롭게 요청주세요! XMKTP 등에서 지원하던 모드의 재번역도 다수 포함되어 있습니다 :)
Перевод модов на русский язык
Localization for RailLogisticsDispatcher
様々なModのタイトルを日本語化します。 たまに追加するかもしれません。
Similar to the `Pipe Visualizer` mod, but for circut networks.
Adds a combinator that reads inventories, fuel and equipment grid of locomotives, wagons, cars, furnaces, assemblers, roboports, rocket silos and reactors.
Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).
Creates a feature-rich train logistics network through cybernetic combinators. With just this mod you can coordinate the economic inputs and outputs of your entire megabase.
Adds animated transport rings, that teleport everything inside (players, chests, trains, buildings, biters). Endgame tech unlocks rings deployable from space platforms. Stargate design, SG.