Adds 4 aircraft, each with their benefits and drawbacks, to allow for more biter-killing fun! Now updated for 2.0 and Space Age.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Explore Nauvis' moon of Muluna, and take your first step into space. Revamps the Space Science pack to be crafted on Muluna. The surface is devoid of life, but who knows what lurks in the planet's many craters?
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Adds most of Hurricane's building graphics as a mod for other mods to reference.
Lua libraries for use by other mods and submods that are parts of a larger mod.
Adds a new planet, Tenebris, a dark planet enshrouded in a thick acidic atmosphere. Fork of the original Tenebris mod with several QOL features.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
For every planet in Space Age, generates six additional subplanets, allowing you to start fresh with any planet at any time.
All cargo wagons and fluid wagons will have their capacity increase with quality.
Removes all technologies that prevent cargo drops on particular planets. Designed with Cerys in mind, but other planets are intended to be compatible as well.
Do you have self-esteem? Not anymore. This mod restores the cost of rockets in Space Age to the vanilla price.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
This mod allows Bob's pure water to be converted to vanilla water.
Mods introducing new content into the game.