Worm Rider

by DataCpt

Adds Demolisher riding! Ever wanted to use a big worm as a protective shell while you work on your factory? Use it as a means of cliff destruction? Exotic taxi? Dune cosplay?

a month ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Transportation Combat Armor Enemies Storage


a month ago

Seems like this is another step toward having a complete dune planet
(the current project is on hold right now, but this will fit right in)

a month ago

Awesome, do you have a link to the current project? I don't think I've come across it yet!

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

It's comming!

I’ve wanted to do this since the first time the Demolisher appeared in FFF.

a month ago

It's this https://mods.factorio.com/mod/planet-arrakis

Ah awesome thanks!

I've now added a steering mechanic! I'm open to feedback, especially on the anti-steering. So far I decided against it occasionally kicking you off and eating you.

New response