Adds Demolisher riding! Ever wanted to use a big worm as a protective shell while you work on your factory? Use it as a means of cliff destruction? Exotic taxi? Dune cosplay?
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 0.9.4 Date: 2025.02.16 Major Features: - Added steering control. You can now turn the demolisher so that it takes you where you want to go. - Added a steering patience setting. The demolisher will be less likely to follow instructions if you steer it too aggressively. Info: - Updated description.
Version: 0.9.3 Date: 2025.02.12 Sounds: - Added sounds. Changes: - Saddle now lingers after initial dismount so you can get straight back on. Bugfixes: - Fixed headlight animation. Info: - Added Space Age expansion requirement. Locale: - Updated icon.
Version: 0.9.2 Date: 2025.02.10 Major Features: - Improved turning smoothness. Dismounting prefers the left hand side of the Demolishers. Features: - Re-enabled demolisher headlights setting.
Version: 0.9.1 Date: 2025.02.10 Changes: - Temporarily removed headlights. Bugfixes: - Fixed rare immortality. Info: - Initial public release.
Version: 0.9.0 Date: 2025.02.09 Major Features: - Added demolisher riding. Features: - Added a setting to turn on demolisher headlights while riding. - Demolishers are an excellent protective shell. - Added altmode riding icon. - No measurable performance impact. Info: - Initial private release. Locale: - Added an icon. - Basic en locale support.