
In this Factorio prequel, you're an android terraforming planets and seeding them with life. Replaces all recipes and technology. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen, requiring varied renewable energy sources. For reliability, you'll focus on abundant elements from the air, sea, or common minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, sandstone, and calcite. Advanced technology enables asteroid mining of rarer elements.

10 months ago
Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g mod conflict with Editor Extensions

1 year, 5 months ago

mod conflict with Editor Extensions

this mod has an issue with the mod Editor Extensions ( this mod adds a large number of tools for testing in a creative mode environment. In particular several items and recipes are hidden by nullius. They shouldn't be, the Editor Extensions recipe tab should not be touched by nullius.

1 year, 5 months ago

Anything with recipes is going to require porting. Nullius has different machines and crafting categories, and different items, and lacks some basic vanilla materials. So the recipes aren't expected to just work out of the box unless they've specifically been ported to do so. Not every mod is expected to work. There is discussion of this porting process in the FAQ tab.

1 year, 5 months ago

The next update will prevent it from hiding these Editor Extension recipes and the same for the Blueprint Sandboxes mod.

New response