
In this Factorio prequel, you're an android terraforming planets and seeding them with life. Replaces all recipes and technology. No life means no coal, oil, wood, biters, or free oxygen, requiring varied renewable energy sources. For reliability, you'll focus on abundant elements from the air, sea, or common minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, sandstone, and limestone. Advanced technology enables asteroid mining of rarer elements.

3 months ago
Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Power

g MOD incompatible

2 years ago
MOD  incompatible : Renai Transportation
2 years ago

That's normal. Mods have to opt in to compatibility with Nullius due to all the changes from vanilla. There is a list of currently supported mods on the Information tab. Anything else complicated that adds techs and recipes is not expected to work.

Renai Transportation is definitely on my To Do list of mods to port for Nullius, but it appears to have a lot of content so it's probably not a trivial project. I expect to port it at some point, but not immediately.

2 years ago

Thank you for your prompt reply。

2 years ago

Error while running event nullius::on_init()
No such function: freeplay.set_disable_crashsite
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'call'
nullius/scripts/startup.lua:113: in function <nullius/scripts/startup.lua:107>

2 years ago

With what other mods installed, yuyin?

2 years ago

Ah, it looks like it's executing code that happens when you're not in Freeplay. I'd suggest that you play Nullius as Freeplay, but I'd be interested in what scenario you were using that has this failure.

2 years ago

RecExplo_1.1.1,Squeak Through_1.8.2,stdlib_1.4.6,StoneWaterWell_1.20.1.This is the name of all modules.But this module can work normally on our company's computer,No error will be reported.
Thank you for your reply

2 years ago

I've found the problem,I modified freeplay Code in Lua file

2 years ago

Renai Transportation is now supported in the latest update.

2 years ago

Thank you very much.I can't wait to play. ^ - ^

2 years ago

hey,When I runs the game,I found some problems:
1.Thrower cannot press the F key to switch the distance,Only use the maximum distance of 15tiles.
2.Technology tree cannot be studied "Logistic Ballistics 3" and 4,prompted "Some front-end technologies have not been researched and have not been added to the research cohort", Logistic Ballistics 1/2/5/6 can be studied.I don't know if it's a problem with my archive.
3.Induction Charging is not compatible with ziplining. If it is equipped with inductive charging, using zipling will report an error(Next to the telephone pole, press the space bar first, aim the mouse at the telephone pole, and press the F key):
Error while running event Induction Charging::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaEquipmentGrid API call when LuaEquipmentGrid was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
__Induction Charging
/control.lua:223: in function 'updateTracker'
Induction Charging/control.lua:287: in function <Induction Charging/control.lua:272>

2 years ago

1) You need to research the tech for that. It's called Precision Ballistics.
2) Have you researched all of the prerequisites for those techs? I have no problem researching all the techs. Logistic Ballistics 3 depends on Precision Ballistics, so there is no way you would be able to research it until you'd researched the tech that's causing you not to be able to switch distance.
3) This sounds like a problem to report with induction charging or renai transportation. Nullius changes nothing about how those work except for the recipe to craft it and the tech to unlock it. The problem you're seeing in a script is completely outside of Nullius's ability to modify. Since it's in the script for Induction Charging, I'd start by talking to the developer of that mod before trying Renai Transportation.

2 years ago

It looks like there have been several similar bug reports about Induction Charging crashing on that line with other mods like Jetpack. It was last updated over a year ago. So it appears that Induction Charging has been abandoned and may have incompatibilities with certain other mods. That's too bad.

2 years ago

Oops!I didn't find "Precision Ballistics" in my save game, but I reopened a save game and found it, it seems to be my problem.
It is precisely because there is no "Precision Ballistics" that "Logistic Ballistics 3/4" cannot be studied, what should I do, can you give me some advice?

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Possibly something weird happened if you already had the mod enabled before it was supported.
Any of the following might be relevant, in the console panel:
/c game.player.force.technologies["RTFocusedFlinging"].enabled = true
/c game.player.force.technologies["RTFocusedFlinging"].researched = false
/c game.player.force.technologies["RTFocusedFlinging"].researched = true

2 years ago

okay,The problem is solved, thank you

2 years ago

hey,Can I make some suggestions about Renai transportation?
Can logistic-ballistics 1/5/7/8 and precision-ballistics fall into one category because they all belong to "throwthrow",
logistic-ballistics 2/3/4/6 are all "bouncing",
freight-ballistics can be "freight" or "jumpjump".
Can it be divided into three parts in the technology tree?

2 years ago


Precision ballistics has to be its own thing for technical reasons. It's a specific technology that the scripts in Renai's Transportation recognize by name. It can be localized to a different name, but that name can't be the same as another tech.

The freight stuff is all trains, it's all used together. The bounce stuff is all useless without throwers. It's all interrelated.

There can't be lots of different parallel lines for tech reasons. It messes up the whole tech tree. There is a threshold when you have too many lines on the tech tree where the game gives up trying to draw it and it all breaks down. Renai's Transportation is already pushing the limits of that as it is even as a single line.

2 years ago

What I'm doing now is localization translation work,I find that logistic-ballistics 1/5/7/8 and logistic-ballistics 2/3/4/6 have the same name on the tech tree to be confusing because they seem to be different things, one being a "thrower" , and the other is a "springboard".
Thank you for your answer, I will think of other ways when translating.

2 years ago

I'd focus on the throwing aspect as the essential part, and bouncers are a way to extend the throw.

2 years ago

hi,I found a very interesting mod,<a></a>.
Do you want to consider compatibility in nullius?

2 years ago

That seems a bit antithetical to the setting in Nullius, where you're an android who has been traveling through space in a slow probe for decades or centuries and is now trying to terraform a planet and create life from scratch on a planet with no oxygen and no life. It's similar in functionality to the Companion Drones mod, which is already supported, except that one is more suitable for the setting. Nullius supports the creation of multiple bodies if you want someone to follow you around.

It's always possible for other mods to add Nullius support instead of Nullius adding support for the other mod. Any modder that is unsure of what that would take can discuss the details (preferably on Discord). I can't personally port all of them. I make certain mods work if it makes sense given the ratio of the effort it takes to the value it provides.

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

would you be willing to add support for armor pockets? (

I added support for it on my own already by hacking some extra stuff into the mods.lua and overide_mod.lua files but an official incorporation would be cool.

let me know if you'd like me to share my changes if it saves you work. most likely you'd want to tweak the balancing though. I didn't think about that too much.

1 year, 11 months ago

At some point I intend to add some more personal equipment options to the overhaul, which would mostly supercede that. Even without that, Nullius does have a lot of inventory bonuses. Each new tier of chassis adds to your inventory. Android 2 has a larger inventory than your starting android. There are several tiers of passive inventory bonus techs. And you can control multiple bodies, each with their own specialized inventory and logistics requests.

1 year, 9 months ago

The new update is out that includes a lot more personal equipment options, including for extra inventory space.

New response