Nuclear Overhaul

by RedRafe

This mod reshapes the steps of nuclear processing to be more complex and realistic. Introducing 3 new types of nuclear reactors emulating the different power plants in real life, plus new elements of the periodic table to generate nuclear fuel and later, with nuclear wastes, powerful weapons.

8 months ago
Combat Armor Environment Mining Manufacturing Power

g [Solved] Solar rebalance

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Unless I skipped over a sentence in your mod description, I don't think this is supposed to affect Solar Panel output?

Solar Panel output drops from 60.0kw to 6.0kw with this mod enabled.

My wall of lasers was not prepared lol.

2 years ago

Yeah, solar is nerfed to kinda force you to go nuclear after green-red science :) otherwise you could just build solar as usual and skip all the processing line of the mod

2 years ago

Could you please add an option to enable and disable the nerf to allow a transition in existing save games? It'd be much appreciated.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Solars are nerfed to disincentivate player to go solar, if I implement a feature to disable that, that's exactly what people will do instead of going steam/nuclear ;)

Solar nerfs is among small vanilla changes to rebalance the nuclear processing, so it was mixed with other changes and I did not report it, but I will add a disclaimer on the mod description citing this change too if it can help :)

2 years ago

Just my personal opinion but I think nerfing solar by 90% is going to put a few people off.

The mod's a great concept and I like what you've done so far but people should at least have an option, people like options. People will still eventually move from Solar to Nuclear as that's the natural progression of the game anyway, I just don't see why it has to be nerfed so much. It's a good way to keep your factory semi-green when moving away from Steam.

2 years ago

What do you think would be a good % so people can use some solars at the beginning to help the steam production, but lower enough so people won't place 15'000 solars to produce energy instead of building reactors? I would rather nerf the production stats instead of altering the recipe, since accumulators and solar panels are used for space science. Maybe I need to compute how much energy/resource you get with solar and with nuclear, and then adjust the production ratio accordingly so solar is like 105-110% of the cost of nuclear (a bit higher, but not too much).

Also, consider that the nuclear production is changed too. Maybe you don't have build a power plant yet, but nuclear energy costs more in this mod compared to vanilla, so the 90% nerf could still be close to the value I'll have to compute.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Currently the "balanced" ratio for Solar is 21 Accumulators for 25 Solar Panels, although rated for 60kw, Solar Panels only actually get on average 42kw during a normal day cycle.

In theory, halving the Solar output from 60kw to 30kw on average would generate 21kw, meaning it would now take 50 Solar Panels to charge 21 Accumulators, effectively doubling the area required for Panels, making Solar still viable but less efficient in the long run.

I think that strikes a good balance from some quick dirty math.

People will still eventually switch over to Nuclear, I've not played with a single person that hasn't torn down their Solar fields to put down Reactors so I don't think it's anything to worry about, people will still go through and experience your mod for what it is :)

Also don't forget your Solar Walls, having a wall that outputs 5kw and a Panel output 6kw when it's 3x bigger doesn't make a lot of sense to be honest, again just my opinion :)

2 years ago

Thanks, I'm glad you brought this up. I've run some numbers and yes, there's no need in fact to nerf solar. However, I will nerf a the reactor power output AND (after more testing) the values for the heat boilers (to rebalance the build) because they produce too much. Reactors will be nerfed to 40% of the current power to better balance the two, and we'll see :)

2 years ago

No worries, thanks for listening. When you're done I'll give it another try on one of my saves, see if my wall survives lol.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Aight np, v1.1.2 out now, I'll close this tab or else I'll confuse the versions. Feel free to open a new one if you think the balance is still off in any direction

2 years ago

Thanks for the feedbacks, really appreciated :)

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