Neurally link to Spider entites and locomotives to interact with the world like the engineer
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2024-10-01 Compatibility: - Support for Spiderdrones
Version: 0.2.2 Date: 2024-09-27 Bugfixes: - Crashes upon death fixed
Version: 0.2.1 Date: 2024-09-27 Features: - Added feature to connect into trains - Fail safe for SE Space Elevator
Version: 0.1.27 Date: 2024-09-17 Features: - Support for non-drivable Spider-entities - Compatibility with Spiderbots
Version: 0.1.26 Date: 2024-09-13 Features: - More bug fixes
Version: 0.1.25 Date: 2024-09-12 Features: - Further GUI Updates
Version: 0.1.24 Date: 2024-09-12 Features: - Bug Fixes
Version: 0.1.23 Date: 2024-09-10 Features: - GUI Updates Bugs: - Map stays open if connecting via map
Version: 0.1.22 Date: 2024-09-09 Features: - Space Spidertron Compatibility
Version: 0.1.21 Date: 2024-09-09 Bug Fixes: - Neural connections remembered upon loading
Version: 0.1.9 Date: 2024-09-05 Features: - Space Exploration Compatibility
Version: 0.1.8 Date: 2024-09-05 Features: - Connect to a spidertron within the spidertrons GUI - Produces the correct GUI on death Bugs: - When connecting to a Spidertron via the map the map stays open - add a check and close map
Version: 0.1.7 Date: 2024-09-04 Features: - Handles disconnecting, taking damage, and deaths of both the engineer and connected spidertron correctly.
Version: 0.1.6 Date: 2024-09-04 Features: - Handles Spidertron being destroyed while connected - Spills inventory items - Returns player back to the engineer - Correctly tracks players death and respawns the player Bugs: - Maybe handle the respawn better - inline with vanilla game ended gui
Version: 0.1.5 Date: 2024-09-04 Features: - Handles the engineer taking damage while neurally connected - forces transfer back to the player
Version: 0.1.4 Date: 2024-09-04 Features: - "SHIFT + E" Shortcut to open spiders inventory when piloting - Handles crafting queue returning items to the inventory upon disconnect
Version: 0.1.3 Date: 2024-09-03 Features: - Neural link character engineers inventory is transfered to the Spidertron trunk - if trunk if full then items are spilled - Extends reach, resource reach, item pickup, loot pickup, item drop distances while neurally controlling the Spidertron - Increases mining speed by 2x while driving Spidertron
Version: 0.1.1 Date: 2024-09-03 Features: - When connecting to a Spidertron the engineer has control over the weapons (thank you DaveMcW)
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2024-09-01 Features: - Initial release - Added ability to transfer consciousness to Spidertrons - Added ability to transfer back to player character