Material Storage

Factorio mod inspired by Applied Energistics 2 from Minecraft. Store items, smelt plates, craft and disassemble goods and refine oil - all this inside a single chest inventory. Does not support quality

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Storage


1 year, 6 months ago

This is an amazing mod! I have been looking for a good AE Port for a while now!

It's super easy to set up and access. It's clean, and easy to control :)

It looks like you are still early in development judging by the changelog, and I hope you have a lot more planned. It would be cool to see stuff like:
- External disk drive housings so that you can place the drives in there and not in the chest itself.
- Requestor chests, so you don't need a stack of each item in all of the "networked" chests.
- Maybe higher level drive values (>64k)...It would be fine if these used some high-end materials or was gated behind Research.
- It wouldn't be bad if this used more power (not in-chest-based, or just large amounts of regular external power).

Great mod! Thanks for your work on this!
Send this to Xterminator ( - He should do a mod spotlight on this and get you some publicity! :)

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)


Thank you for your kind feedback, it was pleasure to read these lines :)

As for additional entities you mentioned, to be honest I do not have plans to add them as in this case mod would become too OP, see main thing here is you got only 150 cells each of them you could trade either for item request, energy, crafting template, memory or items import. Main philosophy is you kind of trade vacant cells for features you want chest to perform. But in case of introducing dedicated "chest" for memory cards is simply gives you literally unlimited space. I will think about making some kind of either "Templates MK2" or simply another very-very expensive module that virtually doubles all templates output rate.

Plus I have to use only vanilla assets (as you might notice most of icons and entities are vanilla with changed colors as I do not have any illustration or 3D skills) and for example Storage Card for 128KB obviously must be some kind of vanilla speed module icon but with 4 LEDs on top, but factorio itself does not have one so I'm really limited in assets as I do not want to steal ones from other mods

What will be done 100% in nearest versions: most of buildings crafting templates to serve as basically your mall (chests, assemblers, inserters, belts, power poles)

Also performance is a great-great issue, I used special native factorio prototype called "linked-inventory", it works extremely fast because game handles it itself without me worrying about it. See each second (60 ticks) my script must do several things: look each of 150 cells for filters, take all chest contents and decide whether some items must go into storage, put lack of items from storage + craft things that are requested (which also requires check if there are both enough ingredients and enough space to put result), Adding dedicated requester chests might slow this down dramatically as you have to take all actions above and multiply them for each chest you built in a world + add my lack of LUA experience and you get laggy mod with tons of errors (I'm not completely sure is works properly at current stage though :) ). BUT if you really need that feature there is a mod "Quantum Storage" that introduces exactly what you need: requester chests for background storage, but it cannot craft things and have limited storage of 99999 of each item (

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

Also, about power, I tried to balance it with long crafting time for charged crystals, so if you have intense crafting process inside the chest you have to have many external assemblers making crystals and supplying them into chest (and they are using power form your grid) or you trade free cells for solar panels, so I'm kinda think it is pretty balanced. Probably if it feels too OP I could change each crystal energy value from 1000 to 500, but I do not want to punish player too much. Anyway, mod requires a good playtest so I'm very grateful for any feedback in future :)

1 year, 6 months ago

I get it :) I was originally thinking along the lines of an AE Clone done Factorio style...Trading the slots restrictions for stuff like tech gating and power costs depending on number of items stored/number of inserts\extracts\crafts\number of structures...I'm sure 150 slots will take me much longer to fill than I expect.

I think I looked into Quantum Storage, but I didn't go there, for one of two reasons: Either it didn't work with SE/K2, or it was too cheaty. I appreciate the slow crafting/charging time of the crystals and restrictions...There's other mods that are super-cheaty that way, but I do appreciate working for something :)

Don't sweat the assets - I would have probably only used numbers to differentiate the disks...I'm no artist ;P

Let me know if there's anything you would like me to playtest...Would be happy to help :)

1 year, 6 months ago

Well, probably you will find this mod cheaty as well because the way linked-container works is free sharing contents between all same entities across not even one planet, but whole save file. Any way, biggest help from your side, and I would really appreciate it, if you simply play with this mod, try to organize a science factory (as basically original idea was to have a compact science factory), see how much it will take you, which blockers you will meet and most precious: your opinion on what is handy and what is not, what could be changed, which numbers you would crank a little (because this is a clear indication that they must become mod settings). This evening I finished icons for another 20 recipes and now I'm configuring recipes, so there are belts, splitters, inserters upcoming. Probably I would also introduce some special modules, but I'm still in search of elegant solution :)

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