Material Storage

Factorio mod inspired by Applied Energistics 2 from Minecraft. Store items, smelt plates, craft and disassemble goods and refine oil - all this inside a single chest inventory. Does not support quality

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Storage


Version 0.5.5 / 19-12-2024
+ Added setting to hide label with storage space and craft speed info

Version 0.5.4 / 10-11-2024
+ Material Combinators now updated in groups by 25. Can be configured in mod settings

Version 0.5.3 / 24-10-2024
+ Removed debug messages on placing combinators and logistic chests
+ Storage should not accept quality items

Version 0.5.2 / 23-10-2024
+ Removed crafting templates for items that migrated into SA DLC to prevent crash on base game

Version 0.5.1 / 22-10-2024
+ Updated Factorio version

Version 0.5.0 / 03-07-2024
*** Play-test update, made many adjustments after actual game play-through ***
+ Buffed Infinity Water Card, now it produces 100 Digital Water per second and considers Crafting Multiplier
+ Material Logistic Chest can now use Crafting Templates
    NOTE: one chest cannot "see" material in another chest.
            Source ingredients must be either within the current chest or inside the Digital Storage
+ Remade Crafting / Smelting / Chemical Template recipes for unification and re-usability
    - Added blank templates as a base for every item template
    - Item Templates can be smelted to return Blank Crafting Template back
    - Each Template creation now requires only one source item instead of whole stack
+ Fixed Material Chest does not consume Charged Crystals to fulfill energy
+ Advanced Oil Processing card is now can be triggered with both Digital Petroleum Gas and Heavy Oil filters
    NOTE: that meas you could set both Digital Petroleum Gas and Digital Heavy Oil filters into material chest
            and it will process oil until both of them do not have enough count
+ Added Explosives Chemical Template
+ Added Material Battery - buffer energy storage to handle crafting peaks
+ Reduced energy consumption to simply "energy = count of ingredients" for UPS optimizations
+ Minor code optimizations

Version 0.4.0 / 08-01-2024
+ Added Material Logistic Chest - it works like a Logistic Buffer Chest but has filtered slots to interact with Digital Storage and will place all incoming items into a Digital Storage like Material Interface does
+ Reworked fluid system
    - Reintroduced Digital Fluids, vanilla fluids can now be digitalized with one-to-one ratio and used for crafting with templates
    - Digital fluids can be converted back into vanilla fluids
    - Removed Barrelling Card item
        NOTE: migration system was added. None of the fluids will vanish. All fluids stored inside the Digital Storage will be converted into Digital Fluids instead
+ Subnet Storage Card placed into the main Material Chest counts as T3 memory card
+ Added Infinity Water Card
+ Removed integration with "Simply Bees"

Version 0.3.0 / 27-12-2023
- Added Subnet Storage Card to organize material subnetworks
- Full Barrels can now be stored inside the Material Storage as usual items if no Barreling Card present
    NOTE: is you got some full barrels stuck in a storage, try to remove Barreling Card, wait 10 seconds and request that barrels into inventory

Version 0.2.1 / 02-10-2023
- Items ejection goes in sorted order
- Updated Brazilian translation
- Fixed bug when a script crashes on an attempt to eject fluid

Version 0.2.0 / 27-09-2023
+ Added Ejection Card that allows to eject all items from digital storage
+ Added Operations Cancelling Card that pauses inventory interaction with digital storage
+ Introduced settings for:
    - Material Chest Inventory Size
    - Interface (Chanel A - F) Inventory Size
    - Charged Material Crystal energy value
    - Solar Panel production rate
    - Digital Storage initial volume
+ Added formatting for status label (e.g. 15.1K instead 15105)

Version 0.1.2 / 16-09-2023
- Fixed issue when interfaces and material chest inventory behave incorrect if digital storage is full

Version 0.1.1 / 14-09-2023
- Removed on_load event to prevent a game crash

Version 0.1.0 / 14-09-2023
- Added three tiers of Crafting Expansion Cards
- Completely rewritten code

Version 0.0.9 / 12-09-2023
- Fixed crash on a load of save file where mod was not installed before

Version 0.0.8 / 12-09-2023
- Compatibility with new mechanics of mod "Simply Bees"
- Fixed issue when game crashes if storage contains items from removed mod

Version 0.0.7 / 10-09-2023
- Added Material Interfaces
- Slightly optimized code
- Fixed Crafting Templates from 0.0.4 did not have Changed Material Crystal in recipes

Version 0.0.6 / 09-09-2023
- Updated Brazilian translation
- Reworked fluids system, now you can barrel and un-barrel fluids with Barreling Card
- Added Advanced Oil processing, Heavy Oil cracking and Light Oil cracking
- Added Chemical Templates for Lubricant and Sulfuric Acid

Version 0.0.5 / 07-09-2023
- Fixed issue that optional dependency to "Simply Bees" was not really optional

Version 0.0.4 / 07-09-2023
+ Added uncrafting card
+ Added crafting templates for:
    - Assemblers
    - Belts and Splitters
    - Power Pole
    - Inserters
    - Underground Pipe
    - Chests
    - Lamp

Version 0.0.3 / 04-09-2023
- Added optional support for mod "Simply Bees"
- Added Brazilian Translation (thanks to @LUISDASARTIMANHAS)

Version 0.0.2 / 03-09-2023
- Fixed issue when craft waits for full stack of ingredient

Version 0.0.1 / 03-09-2023
+ Initial state:
    - Material Chest
    - Material Combinator
    - Fluids Digitization
    - Crafting, Smelting and Chemical templates for 5 science types productions