Fire Lights

by DataCpt

Adds lights to fires, explosions, muzzle flashes, bullets, rockets, projectiles and more! Fully customisable!

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Armor Enemies Environment
6 months ago
Latest Version:
0.12.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
5.97K users

Adds lights to fires, explosions, muzzle flashes, bullet projectiles and more!

Enjoy some mildly horrifying gameplay when used in combination with Distant Misfires and very dark Diurnal Dynamics nights.


  • Fires are lights.
  • Most explosions are lights.
  • Most projectiles are lights.
  • Flamethrowers have idle lights.
  • Guns and turrets have muzzle flashes.
  • Lights are dynamically coloured and sized.
  • Customisable flashlight sizes.
  • Option to stop biters from showing on the minimap.
  • Option to disable the minimap at night.
  • Optional built-in nightvision changes to prevent it rendering the mod pointless.
  • Built-in mod compatibility. (Rocket turrets are amazing).
  • Highly configurable.

Performance Impact

The runtime code in this mod is only enabled if you are using the mod option to disable the minimap at night.

There's a reason Wube isn't adding all of these light sources and it probably has something to do with performance. However, if you have a dedicated graphics card I don't expect you to run into any issues.

If you are struggling, you can disable individual light types in the startup setting by changing any of the Light Size Multiplier options to 0. This completely removes those light sources and their associated performance cost.

Companion Mods

My other mod Distant Misfires was designed with this in mind. Seeing the actual bullet projectiles travel shorter and shorter distances as the wave of biters absorb them makes for some very atmospheric attacks.

This obviously works best at night so I also heavily recommend using Clockwork Diurnal Dynamics to darken the nights and/or increase how long they last. As you could be quite reliant on flashlights early game, mods like Realistic Flashlight and Flashlight Pointer fit nicely into this setup.

Depending on your taste, you might also enjoy throwing either of the Rampant mods into the mix.