Add protoss as new enemy force. (HD graphic addon available, please search "ERM - Protoss HD")
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 1.23.1 Date: 2024-07-02 Changes: - Updated translation from crowdin. - Removed duplicated function call.
Version: 1.23.0 Date: 2024-06-07 Features: - Added support for fog of war beacons - Added units for scouting subsystem
Version: 1.22.4 Date: 2023-12-21 Bugfixes: - Fixed RemoteAPI is using zerg's custom script lol. - Fixed a crash when arbiter drop units.
Version: 1.22.3 Date: 2023-12-10 Changes: - Zealot pollution_to_join_attack from 7 to 10 - Dragoon pollution_to_join_attack from 15 to 20 - Shuttle pollution_to_join_attack from 150 to 120 - Dark Archon pollution_to_join_attack from 350 to 300 - Archon pollution_to_join_attack from 350 to 250 - Carriers pollution_to_join_attack from 250 to 35`0 - Carriers HP increased by 15%. - Reaver pollution_to_join_attack from 250 to 180 - Templar pollution_to_join_attack from 200 to 150 - DarkTemplar pollution_to_join_attack from 125 to 80 - Arbiter recall chance from 0.03 to 0.05 Bugfixes: - Fixed ground units projectiles not hitting belt.
Version: 1.22.2 Date: 2023-09-22 Bugfixes: - Not default max attack range now gradually increase from level 1 - level 5. This fixes nothing in early game can hit an unit that has very high max attack range.
Version: 1.22.1 Date: 2023-09-01 Changes: - early game unit spawn table tweaks - Pollution to attack tweaks - Dark templar is now tier 2 unit. Bugfixes: - Fixed reaver is using flyer's collision mask.
Version: 1.22.0 Date: 2023-08-26 Changes: - Improved unit time to live handling - Lower meele units' some 95% elemental resists back to 90%, same across the race. - Minor bump to meele units' health. - Carrier attacks increase from 15s - 10s to 12s - 7s - Reaver attacks increase from 13s - 10s to 10s - 5s - Increased interceptor movement speed and shooting speed. - Increased scarab movement speed - Dragoon projectile is now a directional attack. - Scarab explosion happens as source_effect, so that it's escapable Bugfixes: - Fix the settings in race mod cache did not properly refresh when version upgrades.
Version: 1.21.0 Date: 2023-08-11 Changes: - Refactor default autoplace - use new ERM mod registration system - Prefix all entities for better compatiblity. - Added team color settings when HD package is installed - Normalize distance_per_frame to 0.2 / 0.5 for units - Turret max range is now max range config + 16 - When scarab dies, it explodes for 25% damage with 2 radius
Version: 1.20.3 Date: 2023-08-03 Changes: - increased unit cost for custom attacks groups. - adjusted spawn chance and units for dropship and carrier - Map color is now changeable in startup setting. - K2 Creep can be toggled off.
Version: 1.20.2 Date: 2023-07-29 Changes: - Reduced number of spawnable units from Shuttle.
Version: 1.20.1 Date: 2023-07-28 Changes: - Reaver and Dragoon now affect by belts - Applied missing flying unit property on interceptors. - Fixed corsair range.
Version: 1.20.0 Date: 2023-07-26 Features: - Worked with Shinzou to integrate the HD graphic pack and some of its features. - ERM 1.18 Compatibility Changes - Updated unit for dynamic attack range and dynamic vision distance - Introducing darkarchon, raver, shield_battery, robotic, robotic_support_bay - Reaver spawns a scarab every 5 seconds. - Darkarchon, high damage, slow AOE attacker. - shield battery health friendly unit 1000 health in 5 radius every 10 seconds @ L20. - robotics facility has higher chance to spawn shuttles - robotic support bay has higher chance to spawn reaver Changes: - Carrier's interceptor is now a timed unit that shoot lasers, 50dmg @ L20. - Carrier spawns up to 8 interceptors by default every 12 seconds @ L20 - Shuttle now drop at least 2 zealots. It may drop another 1 higher tier unit, 3 dragoons and 1 reaver. - Reaver's scarab is a timed unit that explodes with 2s warmup. - Pylon and nexus can hold more units - rebalanced spawn tables - Changed boss despawn attack params. - Systematic despawn units use destroy(), instead of die()
Version: 1.19.0 Date: 2023-03-12 Features: - Added support for Milestones mod. - "Default" enemy spawner generating method now group enemy spawns together. Changes: - Changed code to use new remote interface name. - Tweaked feature groups.
Version: 1.18.2 Date: 2023-01-13 Changes: - Add support for pollution to join attack multiplier setting
Version: 1.18.1 Date: 2022-12-16 Changes: - Fix boss map color - Arbiter's recall from 5% to 3% - Change disrupt slow movement from 3s to 5s.
Version: 1.18.0 Date: 2022-12-12 Major Features: - Boss mode support, proof of concept release Features: - Corsair have 10% to cast disrupt on enemy, cause -66% units movement for 3s in radius of 5. - Arbiter have 5% to recall units to its position. Unit total depends on Squad setting. Graphics: - Updated hit graphic for corsair Changes: - Refactored Level Strength Multiplier for ERM 1.16. - Damage buffs. :) - Arbiter damage 50 AOE dmg to 100 AOE dmg @ lvl20 - Carrier damage 100 AOE dmg -> 160 AOE dmg @ lvl20 - Scout damage new 50 AOE 1 radius @ lvl20 - Corsair damage 40 -> 75 @ lvl20 - Dragoon damage 105 -> 120 @ lvl20 - Corsair regular attack no longer slow down enemy.
Version: 1.17.0 Date: 2022-11-15 Graphics: - Updated graphics. Sprites no longer have unintended holes and black borders!!! - Changed map color of the race to teal. Changes: - Normal range cannon now have double HP. Level 1 and Short range (spawned by probes) are not affected.. - Increased regular cannon damage scale. 150dmg to 240dmg at level 20
Version: 1.16.3 Date: 2022-07-10 Changes: - Improve unit performance by changing enemies distraction_cooldown from 20 to 300.
Version: 1.16.2 Date: 2022-06-22 Changes: - Added support to set neutral for neutral forces that created from other mods. - changed {'scout', 'carrier'} spawn ratio from {2, 1} to {4, 1} - changed {'scout', 'carrier', 'shuttle'} spawn ration from {2,1,1} to {4,1,1}
Version: 1.16.1 Date: 2022-06-11 Changes: - reduced smoke from rocket frequency to 1 / 5 to increase performance in large group. - changed scout rocket color.
Version: 1.16.0 Date: 2022-06-06 Features: - Added support for featured squad - Added support for elite squad - -- Featured Squad Details --- - Unit list, spawn ratio, unit attack point cost - {{'zealot', 'dragoon'}, {7, 3}, 20}, - {{'zealot', 'archon'}, {7, 3}, 25}, - {{'zealot', 'dragoon','archon'}, {4, 4, 2}, 25}, - {{'dragoon','templar'}, {4, 1}, 25}, - {{'darktemplar','templar','archon'}, {4, 1, 2}, 25}, - {{'zealot','dragoon','darktemplar','templar','archon'}, {4,4,2,1,1}, 20}, - -- / Featured Squad Details --- - -- Featured Flying Squad Details --- - {{'scout', 'corsair'}, {1, 1}, 20}, - {{'scout', 'carrier'}, {2, 1}, 50}, - {{'corsair', 'arbiter'}, {5, 1}, 60}, - {{'scout', 'corsair', 'carrier', 'arbiter'}, {4,4,2,1}, 50}, - {{'scout', 'carrier', 'shuttle'}, {2, 1, 1}, 60} - -- / Featured Flying Squad Details --- Changes: - Dropship unit cooldown changed from 15-10s to 45-30s. - Changed corsair from laser to electric - Refactored custom attack handling (dropships and proxy builder) - turned off turning_speed_increases_exponentially_with_projectile_speed for rocket
Version: 1.15.0 Date: 2022-03-04 Changes: - Improved custom attack handling - Improved race data handling - RU Translation update. (Thank You! SeptiSe7ven) - Tweak spawner time, Tier 2 units takes 1.5x, Tier 3 units takes 2x
Version: 1.14.0 Date: 2022-01-15 Changes: - Balance spawner for Free for all mode - Standardized spawn timers for spawner to be 12s - 7s - Standardize max_count_of_owned_units and max_friends_around_to_spawn to 7, 5 respectively - Changed spawn rate and spawn unit for spanwers.
Version: 1.13.0 Date: 2012-12-26 Changes: - Code file license changed from MIT to GNU LGPLv3 Graphics: - Lower render_layer of air unit from air_object to wires-above. Projectiles and explosions should render above them.
Version: 1.12.0 Date: 2021-11-14 Features: - Add 4 races split support Changes: - Up unit_scale on various units - Changed probe spawn rate in nexus - Refactor projectiles, move damage calculation to damage_modifier. Some units got minor damage buff. - Buff cannon damage and its range from 20 to 30 and its shooting speed at lower level. - Added "not-flammable" to archon and other flyer units - Adjusted pollution_to_join_attack values, overall lower required values.
Version: 1.11.0 Date: 2021-10-23 Changes: - Reduce probe spawns - Adjusted max_count_of_owned_units to be max_friends_around_to_spawn+2 - Minor increase on flyer speed. - added min_attack_range to units
Version: 1.10.0 Date: 2021-09-03 Changes: - changed Shuttle drop range from 12 to 3 - changed Shuttle drop unit cooldown from 10-5s to 15-10s - changed Arbiter AOE range from 3 to 4 radius - Carrier now deal AOE damage of 2 radius. Damage from 125 to 80 - Archon max damage changed from 100 to 175 - Scout max damage changed from 60 to 75 - Zealot now attack every 0.75s instead of 1s - Added archon to shuttle's droppable unit Graphics: - Change render layer for corpses - Changed projectile animation handling for carrier and arbiter
Version: 1.9.0 Date: 2021-07-28 Features: - Add shuttle as dropship - it drops zealot, dragoon, darktemplar Changes: - Add compatibility for attack meter - Change map bounding box on building, 1 tile for all side - Movement Speed change - change AOE's force = "not-same"
Version: 1.8.0 Date: 2021-07-11 Graphics: - Reduced the black border width on all unit and buildings.
Version: 1.7.0 Date: 2021-07-10 Changes: - Adjustment on pollution_absorption_absolute. All support building now absorbs 50 units. - Code optimizations Graphics: - Fixed some unit shadows - Removed original shadow masks to shrink file size - Added light to archon - Fixed carrier light color
Version: 1.6.0 Date: 07. 03. 2021 Changes: - Air unit now use "flying-layer", instead of hardcoded layer-33. This enhance collision layer compatibility with Space Exploration - ** ERM base mods also need to update
Version: 1.5.0 Date: 07. 01. 2021 Changes: - Carrier, Scout, Arbiter and Corsair now use layer-33 for air unit collision
Version: 1.4.0 Date: 04. 02. 2021 Changes: - Dark Templar, Zealot and Templar are now breath-air. - Add acid weakness, max resist -5%, starts with 0 - Adjusted unit/building resistances and HPs - Adjusted pollution absorption rate for spawner - Adjusted pollution join attack for unit - Remove nexus from structure in race_settings - Add acid-cannon to turrets in race_settings Bugfixes: - Probe dies when it attempts to build. They can no longer stuck in forest and wasting cpu cycles. - Remove protoss icons from player's bonus windows
Version: 1.3.0 Date: 02. 13. 2021 Changes: - Pylon, Stargate and Gateway can hold more units. - Increase building explosion animation speed - All unit physical resistance max out at 95 - Melee range unit elemental resistance max out at 95 - Range unit elemental resistance max out at 90 - Building fire, explosion resistance bump to 90, physical resist to 85 - Tweaked spawn rate - Added acid spit cannon for base defense Graphics: - Tweaked air unit's exhaust color - Tweaked zealot and templar death animation Bugfixes: - Fix existing enemies are wiped when the level difficulty setting changed from higher to lower for an existing save.
Version: 1.2.0 Date: 02. 02. 2021 Changes: - Adjusted flying units vision to 35, ground unit to 30
Version: 1.1.0 Date: 31. 01. 2021 Features: - Added short range photon cannon (16) for probe spawn - Extra long unit's max range can be config via startup setting Changes: - base cannon now has 32 range. - Adjust over all spawn rate, long range attack unit are now tier 3 units - Reduced Templar AOE damage from 25-100 to 15-40 - Reduced Archon AOE damage from 15-75 to 10-60 - Reduced Carrier damage from 25-200 to 25-125 - Reduced DarkTemplar AOE damage from 50-120 to 50-100 - Change arbiter damage type from electric to cold
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 29. 01. 2021 Features: - Added Protoss units and buildings to enemy race manager