Internal Name: "vehicle-almf"
Name: ALMF
Dependencies: Base
Player Friendly: Very High
Game stage: Early
Type: Armored Transport/Logistic
Supposed usage: Transportation, personnal vehicle, combat group support/refuel/rearm, custom grid-based variations
Best usage with: AAI Programmable Vehicles
Linked Vehicle Mods: SPG-23 SPG-23L ALR-2MG ALR-AC SPRA-23
Description: An armored general purpose transport unit that - if used with AAI - is able to supply ammunitions and fuel nearby AAI units. Once produced in a factory - may serve as a base chassis for a variety of light combat vehicles.
+ grid
+ mod settings
+ languages: en/fr/ru
--- SPG-23 -------- SPG-23L ----- ALR-2MG ------- ALR-AC -------- SPRA-23
Story: During expansion against Rempant/Rempant Fixed harder xenos, was noticed the lack of a - without excess - more armored "hauler" that may, not only, do some logistic jobs, but support large combat groups of fighting vehicles and serve as a more damage resistant personnal utility vehicle.
To avoid the ALMF from becoming a better in everything "Hauler" than the avaible "Hauler", the storage and speed were set lower. The storage size and fuel consumption can be adjusted in the "mod settings" menu to fit diverse mods and playstyles.
Check my other Xenos Oppression Mods:
Xenos Oppression Ultimate Pack
Individual Mod Links from the Xenos Oppression Pack below:
Fish breeding cycle
Active Factory Defence by Infantry-Like Robots
Factory Guard