Vehicle Wagon 2

Take with you a fully charged and battle-ready vehicle and take it on a rail trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Возьмите с собой полностью заряженный и готовый к бою транспорт и отправьте его в путешествие по железной дороге.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
Transportation Trains Combat

b [Fixed] 2.18.3 K2 advance tank bug

4 years ago

When updating mod I get a crash on restarting game something to do with advance tank for K2

4 years ago

Please attach the log file, and save file if you can.

4 years ago

It's on the startup screen.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Edit: Never mind. I see that I forgot to add a dependency. Krastorio2 adds a bunch of things in data-updates so it probably got sorted differently than on my machine and stopped working for you. Update coming soon.

4 years ago

Just pushed an update. Let me know if that fixes it!

4 years ago

Got to the menu. The update appears to have fixed the issue.

New response