⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️

Adds a game map and searchlights which sweep for foes at great range, alerting you while directing adjacent turrets to snipe spotted foes. Designed to dovetail with the early-mid game, searchlights provide: - Circuit network interfaces for search & detection I/O - Incentive to automate lamp & combinator production in the early game - New tactics to assault biter bases without leap-frogging turrets!

1 year, 4 months ago

b Not working with "NoTarget" / "HeroTurrets" mod

2 years ago

This mod doesn't seem to work with "NoTarget" - https://mods.factorio.com/mod/NoAutoTarget
Gun turrets don't get any increased range and nothing happens when the light spots an enemy.
Disabling the "NoTarget" mod, and it works fine.

Any way on your end to make it work?

2 years ago

Hopefully! I'll take a look on Monday / Tuesday

2 years ago

So, the NoTarget mod puts a maximum range on most kinds of ammunition.
Not sure what I should do about this, since it looks like it's intended by the mod author that I don't override the range of their various ammo types.

Laser turrets should still be compatible though.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I see, so no way to force your range buff after the NoTarget mod applies its limit?
When the turrets don't have ammo in them they actually get boosted when the searchlight spot an enemy, by looking at the animation, but the second it's loaded it just chill down lol

I'm gonna try a different mod later that does more or less the same, KS Combat_Updated - https://mods.factorio.com/mod/KS_Combat_Updated
Maybe it's more compatible. :)

Edit: Tried with the KS Combat_Updated mod, but same issue.

2 years ago

I just released version 1.0.5 -- it has a (default true) option to allow turrets to boost the max_range on ammo they're using

You can grab it manually here if you don't see it in-game yet:

2 years ago

I'll check it out after the holidays 🎅

2 years ago

Sounds great, happy holidays!

2 years ago

Thank you! And happy holidays to you too! :)
It seems to work great now with the "KS Combat_Updated" mod, thank you!

I did however find a different mod compatibility issue with "HeroTurrets" - https://mods.factorio.com/mod/heroturrets
After a turret levels up it stops working completely. The turrets doesn't respond at all, and no aiming animation regardless if filled with ammo or not.

Happy new year if this message doesn't find you before next year :)

2 years ago

Thanks, happy new year to you as well!

Thank you for your report, I'll take a look shortly.

2 years ago

I took a look at the hero turrets mod, and indeed, boosting doesn't work on hero turrets.

The hero turrets still worked as normal when enemies get to close range, as far as I could tell.

If you experience turrets not working at all, please send me your save file and more details.

Otherwise, as far as getting hero turrets to range-boost:
My mod generates its turret data in the 'data-updates.lua' stage.
The hero turrets mod generates all of its turret data in the 'data-final-fixes.lua' stage. This is the last possible stage, which means there's no guarantee that other mods will be able to read information from it in time.

Still, I could move all my turret generation to the same stage, and it would probably work. But it'd be bad practice.

I think the proper way to do things would be for the author of the Hero Turrets mod to generate initial turret data in the data-updates stage. Then, in the final-fixes stage, re-read all turret data and apply corrections.
(My mod does it like that, but it doesn't seem to be a common strategy in the modding community yet).

They have a github link, so I might make a branch with proposed changes, explain what the situation is, and see if they have anything to say.

Might be a few days since I'll be busy this weekend, but hopefully I'll have something for you soon!

2 years ago

You are correct that it's only the boost that doesn't work when they have leveled up.
The turrets works as normal when in normal attack range, I just described the issue poorly.
What I meant was compared to the last issue, when the turrets had their aiming animation when not loaded with ammo, then stop aiming when loaded.

I really appreciate your effort for the thorough research to figure out whats wrong, and explaining what the issue is to someone that don't know anything about modding :)

There is no rush, and a meantime my workaround is just setting the searchlight away from the main defense. This way the turrets most of the time don't get any kills and won't rank up so fast.

Take your time and enjoy the new years weekend! 🥳🎉

2 years ago

Any progress with HeroTurrets fix?

2 years ago

I'm probably going to start on something to show the author this week

Since the holiday ended, I've been pretty busy, but now that I've just finished putting out the update I was working on, I should be able to find a little time soon!

2 years ago

Got the example commit done!

Posted a thread for the HeroTurrets author, we'll see what they have to say:

2 years ago

I will try look at hero turrets on the weekend or earlier if I can, My main concern is breaking compatibility with other mods so I'm hoping to implement a check if this mod exists then proceed as per above post other wise life as usual.
Mind you time and kids and everything else tends to hinder my progress but I will try

2 years ago

updating now. There will be a setting to change from create on updates or final fixes.

2 years ago

Thank you so much! This is above and beyond what I could have asked for

New response