Hero Turrets mod compatibility: Mod Settings -> Startup -> Hero Turrets -> Create in updates: True
Potential Mod Incompatibility: Any mod which uses highly scripted turrets that interact with their own hidden entities, or turrets that are populated into a global table.
Workarounds: Add turrets from incompatible mods into the turret-boost block list. (See README included with mod)
Remote Interface: Other mods may add or remove their own turrets from the blocklist using the remote interface. Results of these calls are noted in factorio-current.log. Example of use:
Your mod's control.lua:
remote.call("sl_blocklist", "add", "laser-turret")
remote.call("sl_blocklist", "remove", "laser-turret")
remote.call("sl_blocklist", "add", "lazur_turett")
Script @__SearchlightAssault__/control-blocklist.lua:30: Searchlight Assault: Blocking laser-turret from searchlight interaction.
Script @__SearchlightAssault__/control-blocklist.lua:40: Searchlight Assault: Unblocking laser-turret; interaction now allowed.
Script @__SearchlightAssault__/control-blocklist.lua:26: Searchlight Assault: Turret prototype name specified by remote call not found: lazur_turett
For more information: https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaRemote.html