Schall Tank Platoon

Adds different classes and tiers of tanks in-par with power armors, having vehicle equipment grid. Aims to fill the gaps the vanilla game should have. Not overhaul nor OP. Vanilla oriented and balanced. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Русский, Português Brasileiro, Español)

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Transportation Combat

b [Solved] 0.18.11 compatibility (Go 0.18.12)

5 years ago

After today patch release mod leads to error when trying to craft anything manually. Factorio forum moderators are sure, that Factorio developers didn't break anything in modding, but I'm not sure.

The mod Schall Tank Platoon (0.18.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event SchallTankPlatoon::on_pre_player_crafted_item (ID 95)
LuaInventory API call when LuaInventory was invalid.
stack traceback:
SchallTankPlatoon/control.lua:31: in function 'pre_craft_unload_equipment'
SchallTankPlatoon/control.lua:61: in function <SchallTankPlatoon/control.lua:60>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'len'
/control.lua:31: in function 'pre_craft_unload_equipment'
SchallTankPlatoon/control.lua:61: in function <SchallTankPlatoon/control.lua:60>

5 years ago

Yep, developers fixed their bug in 0.18.12.

5 years ago

Yes, things look fine in 0.18.12. So I assume case closed.

New response