Schall Land Mine

Greatly expands the extent of mine warfare! Adds various land mines. Currently includes incendiary land mine, anti-tank land mine, napalm land mine, poison land mine, atomic land mine. Also adds different ways for mine scattering and sweeping. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, Português Brasileiro)

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


Q: Why is this mod dependent on Schall Tank Platoon mod?
A: This mod uses the prototypes related to new ammo (incendiary rocket, napalm bomb) from it, just adopting them on the land mines. Maintaing the same piece of code in multiple mods is troublesome and bug-prone.
In tech research sense, now napalm / poison warheads appear in three separate mods (Tank Platoon, Artillery, Land Mine). Logically, two of them are just derivative uses of a first one, which should be achieved with much smaller cost (e.g., to develop a poison land mine, when one already knows how to create a poison warhead/bomb). Making them as three independent research with full costs (research from anew) do not make sense. It is also very tricky to conditionally set relations and values for all combinations of mod choices. (For example, some players use Schall Tank Platoon but not this mod; others use this mod but not Schall Tank Platoon. How to set the order? Not to say the third mod Schall Artillery adds even more complications to this!)
Considering tanks are the popular choices among the three weapon systems, my solution is to use Tank Platoon as my "core" mod, and let other mods having dependency on it.

Q: Why the damage upgrades in the land mines are weaker than their equivalent bombs (in Schall Tank Platoon)?
A: I prefer not to change any vanilla tech effects for the moment. After the game stablizes (as 1.0), I will consider an overall military rebalance, since the devs may still do some big changes that may waste my rebalance effort.

Q: Why the land mines are destroying each other?
A: You must be talking about atomic land mines, which is using the effect "atomic-bomb-wave" from vanilla atomic bomb. It does damage regardless of friend or foe, so I am also not changing that.
All other land mine types do not have such problem. You can pack them closely if they are of the same type.
But "mixing" different types would need caution. For example, incendiary and napalm land mines are perfectly fine together, but the fire can destroy the anti-tank and poison land mines. Consult the below details, and test before mass deploy if you are in doubt.

Technical Details

Land Mines

Most of the new land mines have their corresponding rocket type in Schall Tank Platoon or Schall Artillery. If you have already played that mod a lot, reading the following is mostly not necessary.
For new players, these descriptions will give you a good impression on how the new land mines work.

Incendiary Land Mine

  • Land mine with incendiary warhead.
  • Generates some fire and spreads the combustibles over a small area. The combustibles create long-lasting flame. Such effect is the same as incendiary rocket and incendiary auto-cannon shell (20 mm) (in Schall Tank Platoon).
  • Fireproof, so they can be packed with other incendiary and napalm land mines. Also safe from the flamethrower turrets, rockets, or any other flame sources.
  • Same size as vanilla land mine.

Napalm Land Mine

  • Land mine with napalm warhead.
  • Generates a huge fireball and spreads the combustibles over a large area. The combustibles create long-lasting flame. The area of effect is much larger than incendiary land mine, so fewer is needed to cover the area. It is more expensive though.
  • Fireproof, so they can be packed with other incendiary and napalm land mines. Also safe from the flamethrower turrets, rockets, or any other flame sources.
  • Much larger than vanilla land mine in size, so could be easily spotted by enemies.

Anti-tank Land Mine

  • Land mine with anti-tank warhead.
  • Direct damage to the triggered unit (can be character, aliens, vehicles, since the prototype definition does not allow to target tanks only...). The same as the behavoiur of vanilla land mines, except for much larger damage.
  • Do not damage or destroy friendly land mines nearby.
  • Larger than vanilla land mine in size, so easier to be spotted by enemies.

Poison Land Mine

  • Land mine with poison warhead.
  • Releases several poison cloud over a large area. It is equivalent to a cluster of six poison capsules thrown at the same time, or a poison bomb (in Schall Tank Platoon) or a poison artillery shell (Schall Artillery) over the target.
  • Do not damage or destroy friendly land mines nearby.
  • Much larger than vanilla land mine in size, so could be easily spotted by enemies.

Atomic Land Mine

  • Land mine with atomic warhead.
  • Atomic detonation over the target, the same as base atomic bomb. It is enough to clear most (if not all) vanilla biters and spitters, when getting good damage upgrades. The damage capability is less than an atomic bomb, but still much better than an atomic artillery shell, due to different damage modifier bonus in banilla damage upgrade tech, so aliens from some advanced mods or shielded tanks can still survive such attack.
  • Atomic bomb wave destroy ANY entities (without distinguishing between friend or foe) within it blast range. So atomic land mine should not be closely placed with other land mines or near friendly units. Better to be alone as a "surprise" mine, or behind other land mines (as the last mine to be triggered).
  • Much larger than vanilla land mine in size, so could be easily spotted by enemies.

Mine Scattering

In addition to hand placement, land mines can be deployed by rockets! To use them, just put the following into the ammo slot of rocket launcher or rocket artillery, then fire them like normal rockets.

  • mine scattering rocket (land mine)
  • mine scattering rocket (incendiary land mine)
  • mine scattering rocket (anti-tank land mine)
  • mine scattering rocket (napalm land mine)
  • mine scattering rocket (poison land mine)
  • mine scattering rocket (atomic land mine)

For balancing, the following modifiers are applied on mine scattering rockets, when fired from different sources:

  • -25% range when fired NOT from vehicle (e.g., handheld rocket launcher, rocket turret)
  • +100% fire rate when fired from vehicle (e.g., rocket artillery)

In general, rocket artilleries work best with these mine scattering rockets!

If Schall Artillery is also installed, the similar ammo but as artillery shells will also be available.

Mine Sweeping

Having only the new and powerful land mines is too favourable to the defending side, right? It is hard to detect and prevent land mines of the enemy team (in PvP games!) in vanilla. So this mod also adds some countermeasures to them. Hope this creates a new and fun expansion to the Factorio PvP combats!

Minesweeping Bot Rocket

  • Trigger land mines at distance, by throwing decoys into danger zone.
  • Shot from: Rocket launcher, rocket artillery, or any devices capable of firing rockets.
  • Target: Position
  • Form: Each burst consists of 15 decoy bots, widely-spread.
  • Collision: No
  • Range: 36
  • Use: Fire into area where suspected to have presence of land mines. A total of 15 decoy bots would be spread out, triggering any land mines they met. Use extra rockets to clear possible missing mines, it is better being safe than sorry.
  • Tips: Beware that the land mines are TRIGGERED instead of direct destruction. This means that the large AoE land mines (e.g., atomic land mine) can still get you if you are too close! Use other minesweeping method (as below) if you want more safety.

Minesweeping Gun

  • Safe disposal of land mines, without triggering them.
  • Target: Directional
  • Form: Line attack. Also stun targets briefly. (Behaves like hidden railgun, or mega laser cannon of Schall Recharging Weapon.)
  • Collision: No (Anything enemy on line of is attacked, non-stoppable.)
  • Range: 30
  • Fire rate: 0.5 /s
  • Damage type: Electric
  • Shot damage: 15
  • Shot width: 4
  • Ammo: Minesweeping Clip
  • Movement: -20%
  • Effect: None
  • Upgrade techs: None
  • Use: The electric beam destroys any (hidden or not) land mines. The line shape is especially well for clearing a path for vehicles to sneak in.
  • Tips: The beam destroys land mines completely WITHOUT triggering them. So it is better for handling large AoE mines like the atomic land mines. The beam has a long range and is safe to friendly units. So minesweeping infantry in your team can stay behind your spearhead units, while still providing a safe (mine-free) path for your breakthrough attacks.

Minesweeping Gun - Electricity

  • Safe disposal of land mines, without triggering them.
  • Target: Directional
  • Form: Line attack. Also stun targets briefly. (Behaves like hidden railgun, or mega laser cannon of Schall Recharging Weapon.)
  • Collision: No (Anything enemy on line of is attacked, non-stoppable.)
  • Range: 32
  • Fire rate: 0.67 /s
  • Damage type: Electric
  • Shot damage: 15
  • Shot width: 5
  • Shot energy: 3 MJ
  • Movement: -20%
  • Effect: None
  • Upgrade techs: None
  • Use: Same as the ammo-consuming gun. But powered from a direct energy source allows a higher performance, including: slightly longer range, higher shot width and higher fire rate. A good upgrade when you have power armour with grid system.
  • Tips: Install extra batteries for the peak consumption! Or you can use the alkaline batteries (in Schall Primary Battery) as a quick source of energy during an intense battle!

Full List of New (or Changed) Items


  • 5 land mine:
    • Incendiary land mine
    • Anti-tank land mine
    • Napalm land mine
    • Poison land mine
    • Atomic land mine


  • 2 minesweeping:
    • Minesweeping gun
    • Minesweeping gun - Electricity


  • 7 rocket:
    • Mine scattering rocket (land mine)
    • Mine scattering rocket (incendiary land mine)
    • Mine scattering rocket (anti-tank land mine)
    • Mine scattering rocket (napalm land mine)
    • Mine scattering rocket (poison land mine)
    • Mine scattering rocket (atomic land mine)
    • Minesweeping bot rocket
  • 2 minesweeping:
    • Minesweeping clip
    • Minesweeping gun charges


  • 6 landmine-related:
    • Land Mines 1
    • Land Mines 2
    • Land Mines 3
    • Land Mines 4
    • Minesweeping gun 1
    • Minesweeping gun 2