Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i [DONE] Any chance of updated graphics?

4 years ago

Factorio is getting to be a very pretty game. Do you have any interest in updating this mod's graphics to fit in with the 1.0 graphics style the game is moving toward?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I know how to code, not how to make sprites, unfortunatelly

4 years ago

maby you can get someone to make you new sprites

4 years ago

Might be a good idea to ask Earendal to make some new sprites for this mod.

4 years ago

I'm currently working on MFerrari's mods, and working on this one currently.

4 years ago

Here you go, I changed graphics completely !

4 years ago

I updated from 1.0.28 to 1.0.8.
Now I receive this error message:
"Failed to load mods: File not found: Rocket-Silo-Construction/graphics/concrete.png
Mods to be disabled:
Rocket-Silo-Construction (1.1.0).

Can you please send me concrete.png or fix the mod asap?

I dont even know how to revert to old mod version and I am unable to play now :/

thx for helping! amazing mods!

4 years ago

I updated from 1.0.28 to 1.1.0
Now I receive this error message:
"Failed to load mods: File not found: Rocket-Silo-Construction/graphics/concrete.png
Mods to be disabled:
Rocket-Silo-Construction (1.1.0).

Can you please send me concrete.png or fix the mod asap?

I dont even know how to revert to old mod version and I am unable to play now :/

thx for helping! amazing mods!

4 years ago

Thanks for reporting, just uploaded a hotfix

I didn't crash for me because it was a problem with Space Exploration compatibility code

4 years ago

So basically I think you changed the path where the graphics are located to /graphics/icons or graphics/entity.
However all graphics located directly in graphics are now completely gone. This is causing my error.

I copied the .png files into 1.1.0 mod and re-zipped it.

Oh looks like you updated it already :D

4 years ago

I changed all paths because I made custom icons for each stage instead of 2 and sorted in folders, but forgot one in the Space Exploration compatibility code. My bad, it shouldn't be a problem now!

New response