Rocket-Silo Construction

Building a Rocket Silo is now a 6 stages process. Each silo needs to be excavated, filled and built, while requiring a lot of power, materials and generating pollution. Custom Space Exploration, Bob&Angels, Industrial Revolution and Exotic Industries compatibility New graphics by snouz

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0
This mod 11 From other mods 59
Dependency types:
Default 4 Required 2 Conflict 0 Optional 2 Hidden 7
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 570K
base >= 2.0.0 -
mferrari_lib >= 0.2.5 22.9K
space-exploration >= 0.6.0 484K
IndustrialRevolution3 63.7K
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v2.0.2)